Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Everything happens for a reason!
There are no accidents or coincidences. Everything is exactly as it should be. Everything happens for a reason. It is up to you to tap into your higher self to find out those reasons.
Be still and listen. What first pops into your head? Write it down and then act on it. You need to take action in order to step into your divine path. Remember everything happens for a reason.
Do you have physical aches and pains? Wouldn't you like to know how to get rid of those pains without having to medicate yourself? Medicating yourself only masks the real reason you have those aches and pains. Listen to your body! Don't try to silence it. This is where you need to listen in order to rid yourself of those aches and pains for good.
Follow the same principle of tapping into your higher self. What emotions do you feel? Do you feel anger or sadness? Are you afraid of something? Close your eyes, be still and listen to what comes into your head. Figure out what emotion you can clear. You may have several emotions to work on. Once you figure out your emotion then you can start to clear that emotion. Once that emotion is clear you will no longer have those aches and pains. It sounds simple but it is work. Just remember it is work that is for your own good. You deserve to be pain free!!!!
Once you are pain free and illness free it will put you one step closer to your stepping into your aligned path. If you are interested in healing yourself and moving one step closer to your true self, feel free to contact me for assistance.
Be still and listen. What first pops into your head? Write it down and then act on it. You need to take action in order to step into your divine path. Remember everything happens for a reason.
Do you have physical aches and pains? Wouldn't you like to know how to get rid of those pains without having to medicate yourself? Medicating yourself only masks the real reason you have those aches and pains. Listen to your body! Don't try to silence it. This is where you need to listen in order to rid yourself of those aches and pains for good.
Follow the same principle of tapping into your higher self. What emotions do you feel? Do you feel anger or sadness? Are you afraid of something? Close your eyes, be still and listen to what comes into your head. Figure out what emotion you can clear. You may have several emotions to work on. Once you figure out your emotion then you can start to clear that emotion. Once that emotion is clear you will no longer have those aches and pains. It sounds simple but it is work. Just remember it is work that is for your own good. You deserve to be pain free!!!!
Once you are pain free and illness free it will put you one step closer to your stepping into your aligned path. If you are interested in healing yourself and moving one step closer to your true self, feel free to contact me for assistance.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Can we change our genetics? I am living proof!
I am living proof that genetics do not have to play a major role in your health!!! As most of you know that follow this blog I started running in June 2010 as recommended by my physician. It had to do with my genetic tendency to heart disease, stroke and increased cholesterol. No matter how much I despised running or exercising of any kind, I was able to change my genetic makeup and reverse my predisposed tendency towards heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol. My triglycerides are finally normal, my HDL (good cholesterol) is right where it should be and my LDL (bad cholesterol) is significantly lower! How could this be?
I have increased my life expectancy and changed my genetics all by changing the way I thought and felt about exercising, eating and emotions. Whether you believe it or not you are the one that writes the story of how your health will be in your life time. We are the only ones that have the ability to get rid of the diseases and illnesses that invade our physical body. We are also the only ones that can stop those same illnesses and diseases from ever entering our bodies in the first place.
- The first way we do this is by eating the foods that are not good for us. It is up to us to only put the healthy foods into our systems. No more fast food restaurants or easy boxed, canned or processed foods.
- The second way we do this is by not exercising. Believe me I was the queen of excuses when it came to exercising. Remember I am the one that hates to sweat! I still battle with my ego every time I run but I still run and fight to push those negative thoughts out of my head.
- The third way we do this is by holding onto anger and resentment. We internalize these feelings and all they do is create disease in our bodies. Diseases like cancer! We need to learn to release these emotions and not harbor them within ourselves. This is easier said than done for some people, but it is definitely doable.
This isn't simple, but then again it can be simple. Learning to change your behaviors and actions that have been ingrained in you since birth is the hardest battle. You need to realize that it can be done. The key is that you have to want to live a healthy life; you have to want to change. There are so many people out there that are lost. They just need a little guidance. If one person can just spread this message to one friend and then they do the same, we may be able to help just one person that is willing to listen. One person that is willing to put themselves first and change the way they think, feel, and act about their health. Every time your ego kicks in and tells you that you can't do this or gives you negative thoughts, stop it dead in its tracks. You have the ability to stop those negative thoughts and turn them into something positive.
Be grateful, be thankful, be positive, be humble, be wise, and most of all be healthy!!!!
alternative medicine,
law of attraction,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Soul Centered Running
Soul Centered Running is learning to turn off all the external stimuli and internal chatter while you are running. This is hard to do for some, especially if you are a very visual person. If your running on the treadmill you can simply hold on to the handles and close your eyes, but if you’re running outside in nature you can't close your eyes, instead focus on the sounds of nature. Then in turn pay attention to your breathing. Take deep breathes and feel the air travel down into your lungs. Start to notice your muscles. How do they feel? Can you feel them working?
When you start paying attention to the internal workings of your physical body, your mind chatter goes away. You are then, at that time, in the moment, in the present. It is when you are in the present moment that you are one with your spirit. It is then that you are soul center running.
You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you are soul centered! Leave the past and the future out of the moment and enjoy your run/walk!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tis the Season to be Grateful!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the USA. This is a day to give thanks, to reflect on what you are grateful for. Every day should be Thanksgiving! Try sitting down in the evening at the end of your day and list 3 things that you are grateful for. This could be difficult after a stressful day, but once you create your gratitude list you will feel the shift of your body and spirit take place.
When you sit down to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal, take a moment and give thanks. Thanks for your meal, your family, your life, whatever you can give thanks for. Carry this gratitude forward into every day. Make it a habit to give thanks. Your heart will open up, your stress will decline and you will feel lighter and happier.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Be Still and Listen!
Sounds simple but be still and listen could be very hard to do. To learn to quite your chatter in your head so you can hear your inner guidance. I am still learning how to be still and listen.
Next time you are in your vehicle driving, exercising, or just sitting in your office turn any and all external influences off, like the TV or radio. Close your eyes if you can, if you can't then that is okay just take a few simple deep breathes. Pay attention to each breathe. Focus on breathing in and out. Do this for at least a minute. If the internal chatter starts just dismiss it and focus on your breath.
This mini meditation will help you learn to be still and listen. Try it and let me know how it works for you.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Conflict and Turmoil Lead to Illness and Disease!
When we have conflict and turmoil in our lives it leads to illness and disease within our bodies. We must learn how to live our lives creating peace and letting go of those people and things that disrupt our peace. Whenever your body creates an illness look to your environment and or external influences in your life that may be causing this. Is someone that you are acquainted with causing you to feel uneasy. It is just possible that when we suppress these emotions of anger and guilt that we are creating our own dis-ease.
When we lead our lives according to our spirit we are at ease and therefore we cannot inhabit pain, illness our disease within our bodies. When we have pain, illness or conditions it is always related to underlying issues that we have internalized and have not learned to work through. We have not made peace and let go. It is when we make peace and let go that we will no longer have illness or disease in our lives.
Take the time to sit back and look at your situation. Only you can know what you need. Listen to your intuition and your gut feelings. Purge your life of those things that cause your conflict and turmoil. You will see your health improve. Remember it may not only be one thing but it may be several issues that you need to work on. Remove your ego and fears and just listen to your inner guidance.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Spiritual Being Living in This Physical Form.
This morning's run became quite difficult for me. My ego kept telling me to quit, that I wasn't going to be able to make 30 minutes and to make sure I stop at one mile. How frustrating is it when your own mind keeps telling you that you are a loser!
Well I didn't let this happen. I remembered that I am a spiritual being living in this physical body. It is up to my spirit to keep this body in perfect working condition while I am here in this life time in order for my spirit to full fill its duties. I kept telling my ego to push aside and let my spirit pull me through this run. Well the thirty minutes came and I ran over 3 miles. My spirit most definitely pulled me through.
I am a healer, a mother, a wife, and a registered nurse. I will heal as many people as I can, including myself while I am here on this earthly plane. I will full fill this lifetime's destiny and live a spirit full life. If you care to join me on this journey, you are more than welcome to follow :)
Well I didn't let this happen. I remembered that I am a spiritual being living in this physical body. It is up to my spirit to keep this body in perfect working condition while I am here in this life time in order for my spirit to full fill its duties. I kept telling my ego to push aside and let my spirit pull me through this run. Well the thirty minutes came and I ran over 3 miles. My spirit most definitely pulled me through.
I am a healer, a mother, a wife, and a registered nurse. I will heal as many people as I can, including myself while I am here on this earthly plane. I will full fill this lifetime's destiny and live a spirit full life. If you care to join me on this journey, you are more than welcome to follow :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Choices We Make Change Our Lives!
In case anyone was wondering I am still running! I have run a total to date of 169.6 miles since June 22, 2009. That is a long way :)
I original started running because it was suggested by my physician. It seems my LDL cholesterol is made up of the small dense particles instead of the large buoyant particles. This means that I am at higher risk of a heart attack or a stroke. So, I made the choice to follow my physician’s advice and run for 30 minutes four times a week. I have been doing fairly well at the running but I am still finding it difficult at times.
I am due to have my blood work taken next month so I will let all of you know how things are going sometime in December. While all this is going on I have made a conscious choice to watch the food that I put into my body. I have been very diligent at looking at labels. I am staying away from all processed foods as much as I can. I am avoided fructose corn syrup, which I might add that they put this in almost everything (cereal, bread, crackers, etc...). This hasn't been easy but I do know that I am the only one that can help me. I can't sit around waiting for someone to fix this problem or give me some little pill to make it better.
Every day, I make the conscious choice to heal my mind, body, and spirit. I run, I meditate, I do self Reiki, I think positive, and I send my love and light into the world. I know that every day is a gift here on earth and I am going to make sure I do my part to be able to live this gift to its fullest.
Try today to change one thing in your life that will make a difference, and then stick with it! If you don't feel like it or cave for a second, pick yourself up and get right back on track.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Your world is a mirror!!
We live in a great big world better known as the Earth. Every individual has their own version of this world. This version is based upon the person’s experiences and thoughts, making it unique to them. We create the world we live in therefore create our own destiny based on our choices and decisions.
Our world is like a reflective mirror. Whatever our soul sends out into this world is reflected and returns to us just as we sent it out. If you send out love, you will get love in return. If you send out hate, you will get hate in return. If you send out prejudice, you will get prejudice in return and so on. Be careful when you angry or fearful because you will only get anger and fear in return. Choose your wording and your thoughts carefully. Be mindful of what you are projecting into your world.
Stop, look at yourself, and listen to your thoughts before you react. What you are thinking at the moment, is that really what you want to project out into your world? Is it positive or negative? Will it enhance your life or hinder your life? Are you able to forgive and let go and send love?
These are a few things to think about to create the life and world you would like to live in! It is easier said than done but with practice and focusing it is definitely something that is doable. What are you waiting for start now!
Our world is like a reflective mirror. Whatever our soul sends out into this world is reflected and returns to us just as we sent it out. If you send out love, you will get love in return. If you send out hate, you will get hate in return. If you send out prejudice, you will get prejudice in return and so on. Be careful when you angry or fearful because you will only get anger and fear in return. Choose your wording and your thoughts carefully. Be mindful of what you are projecting into your world.
Stop, look at yourself, and listen to your thoughts before you react. What you are thinking at the moment, is that really what you want to project out into your world? Is it positive or negative? Will it enhance your life or hinder your life? Are you able to forgive and let go and send love?
These are a few things to think about to create the life and world you would like to live in! It is easier said than done but with practice and focusing it is definitely something that is doable. What are you waiting for start now!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Shocking title "NOW" isn't it?
Have you ever stopped to wonder what your life would be like if your mind never thought of the past or the future? Have you ever struggled trying to turn your thoughts off? Do you meditate or pray?
I ask all these questions for one reason. I am trying to get you to realize how busy our minds are and what affect our mind/ego has on our lives. If we never thought of the past or the future we would not have conflict inside of ourselves. If we learned to live in the now we wouldn't have old issues to deal with. If you think about it some of those old issues cause us our most grief and emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and resentment. They also possess happy emotions as well. But for the most part when we dwell on things that were not so good in the past they affect our current state "our now state". The same goes for thinking of the future. If we worry about how we are going to make it or what things will happen to us we initiate the fear/worry emotion. We need to take one day at a time for the most part and live in the NOW as much as we can.
I am not saying that this is easy by any means. I am also not saying that we shouldn't have goals or dreams or heaven forbid think about things. I am just saying that when your mind will not turn off try to visualize it from the outside looking in and see what emotions these thoughts are stirring up inside of you. Try to be the observer of your thoughts. See if this is really relevant to what is currently going on in your life or if it is old issues creeping up on you. Things that have happened in the past should be laid to rest. Then stop those thoughts and realize that they are old issues causing these feelings and dismiss them. They are not doing you any good actually they are hindering your progress.
Try meditating and to focus on your breathing. This will help keep you in the present moment, the NOW!
Have you ever stopped to wonder what your life would be like if your mind never thought of the past or the future? Have you ever struggled trying to turn your thoughts off? Do you meditate or pray?
I ask all these questions for one reason. I am trying to get you to realize how busy our minds are and what affect our mind/ego has on our lives. If we never thought of the past or the future we would not have conflict inside of ourselves. If we learned to live in the now we wouldn't have old issues to deal with. If you think about it some of those old issues cause us our most grief and emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and resentment. They also possess happy emotions as well. But for the most part when we dwell on things that were not so good in the past they affect our current state "our now state". The same goes for thinking of the future. If we worry about how we are going to make it or what things will happen to us we initiate the fear/worry emotion. We need to take one day at a time for the most part and live in the NOW as much as we can.
I am not saying that this is easy by any means. I am also not saying that we shouldn't have goals or dreams or heaven forbid think about things. I am just saying that when your mind will not turn off try to visualize it from the outside looking in and see what emotions these thoughts are stirring up inside of you. Try to be the observer of your thoughts. See if this is really relevant to what is currently going on in your life or if it is old issues creeping up on you. Things that have happened in the past should be laid to rest. Then stop those thoughts and realize that they are old issues causing these feelings and dismiss them. They are not doing you any good actually they are hindering your progress.
Try meditating and to focus on your breathing. This will help keep you in the present moment, the NOW!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Creating what you want out of life!
Ever wonder what your future will look like? Do you realize that you create the life you want to live? Every time you make a choice your future path changes to reflect your decisions. You are creating the life you want to life and therefore creating your destiny.
Keeping this in mind, you have the power to pave your own destiny and create the life you want. Choose your actions and your words wisely. Keep positive in your approach and only ask for what you want. Doors will open and things will start manifesting before your eyes.
Simply write down on paper what you would like your life to look like. Choose your words carefully and be sure to only write positive thoughts. State everything as if it is already in your life. Example: "I am at a healthy weight and in great physical condition"! Then read your affirmations as many times as possible and keep them in your thoughts and on your lips. Make sure to keep all the negative wording and thoughts away. You will be amazed at how well this will work for you. Try it in every aspect of your life and start paving your way to the life you want. Make sure to listen and watch for signs to change your life. Don't ignore the messages you receive.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Running is Working!!!!!
I had my blood work checked on the 10th of September and I am happy to report that the running is working and my cholesterol numbers have improved significantly!!! Not to mention, I have lost a total of 15 pounds in the progress, dropped two shirt sizes and also dropped a pant size!
I know I have complained about the running and I haven't learned to like it as of yet, but I guess you don't have to like everything you do to improve your health. You just have to realize that the only way to get healthy is to actually do the exercise, watch what you eat and be on top of your healthcare. The days of waiting for someone to do it for you, give you a magic pill, or for you to use all these fad diets are over. The only way to loose weight and keep all your blood work in check is to know what you put into your mouth, exercise even if you hate it, and follow up with a knowledgeable physician that is not pill happy or getting kick backs from the drug companies.
It really is simple! You have to do the work in order to receive the benefits. There should be no excuses! Believe me I was the queen of excuses. I have a bad knee, I can't run, I don't have time, I am too tired, I don't have anyone to watch the kids, etc........... The list goes on and on. Switch those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and the laws of attraction will start to work for you. You have no one to blame but yourself.
I know I have complained about the running and I haven't learned to like it as of yet, but I guess you don't have to like everything you do to improve your health. You just have to realize that the only way to get healthy is to actually do the exercise, watch what you eat and be on top of your healthcare. The days of waiting for someone to do it for you, give you a magic pill, or for you to use all these fad diets are over. The only way to loose weight and keep all your blood work in check is to know what you put into your mouth, exercise even if you hate it, and follow up with a knowledgeable physician that is not pill happy or getting kick backs from the drug companies.
It really is simple! You have to do the work in order to receive the benefits. There should be no excuses! Believe me I was the queen of excuses. I have a bad knee, I can't run, I don't have time, I am too tired, I don't have anyone to watch the kids, etc........... The list goes on and on. Switch those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and the laws of attraction will start to work for you. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I am back!!!!
With patience and determination I am back to running! I know I have complained along the way about having to incorporate aerobic activity in to my life. I have moaned, whined, and complained about the sweating and exercise to everyone that has crossed my path. When I injured my knee ligament, I started to worry about my small dense LDL particles and how I would be able to turn them into the fluffy buoyant particles. After all the only reason I have endured the dislikes of exercise is because of my health.
I listened to the doctor and gave myself the week off of running while wearing the leg brace. During the week I felt like I was missing something. Even though I didn't like running in the beginning, the benefits I have gained have made it all worth while. I have lost over 10 pounds and dropped a pant size. In September I will have my blood work taken to see if it is going in the right direction.
Finally, I am back to running. I am to start of slowly and work my way up. Today I am up to 1.5 miles and without any pain. When I am done running I place the brace back on just to keep the ligament strong. I will return back to the doctors on Friday the 19th for a leg check up.
I realize now how much exercise is important in everyone's life. Even though we hate it the benefits out way the dislikes. We have the choice to keep ourselves in good health. We make the decisions on what we eat and if we exercise. There is no reason for any of us to be overweight or out of shape. The only one we can blame is ourselves. Hey, I was the first one to say I don't have time, I don't like to sweat, I am too tired, etc.... etc..... But the reality is, you can make yourself sick by the choices you make and you can make yourself healthy by the choices you make. Why should we wait until the doctor tells you that you are a candidate to have a heart attack or a stroke, when we could correct it by watching what we eat and adding 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4 times a week? We truly create our own destiny! Just think about it.
I listened to the doctor and gave myself the week off of running while wearing the leg brace. During the week I felt like I was missing something. Even though I didn't like running in the beginning, the benefits I have gained have made it all worth while. I have lost over 10 pounds and dropped a pant size. In September I will have my blood work taken to see if it is going in the right direction.
Finally, I am back to running. I am to start of slowly and work my way up. Today I am up to 1.5 miles and without any pain. When I am done running I place the brace back on just to keep the ligament strong. I will return back to the doctors on Friday the 19th for a leg check up.
I realize now how much exercise is important in everyone's life. Even though we hate it the benefits out way the dislikes. We have the choice to keep ourselves in good health. We make the decisions on what we eat and if we exercise. There is no reason for any of us to be overweight or out of shape. The only one we can blame is ourselves. Hey, I was the first one to say I don't have time, I don't like to sweat, I am too tired, etc.... etc..... But the reality is, you can make yourself sick by the choices you make and you can make yourself healthy by the choices you make. Why should we wait until the doctor tells you that you are a candidate to have a heart attack or a stroke, when we could correct it by watching what we eat and adding 30 minutes of aerobic activity 4 times a week? We truly create our own destiny! Just think about it.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Month of Ups and Downs!
This month I was able to accomplish reaching 3 mile marker and then the 4 mile marker! Hooray for me. I still do not enjoy the sweating and the running but the 9 pound weight loss and the drop in pants size I do enjoy! I have logged over 60 miles since the purchase of my nike plus sneakers! Now that makes me feel great!
Now, for the downs of the month :(. I strained my medial collateral ligament in my right knee. I did this on Sunday August 1st , while running at camp. I ran 3 miles on Monday at home with my dear husband but my knee hurt during and after the run that I decided I better rest a few days before running again. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off from running but my knee did not feel any better. Friday morning I hopped on the treadmill and raised the incline to 10 and did a really fast walk for 30 minutes. I had to hang on for the entire 30 minutes because I could feel the soreness in my knee when I let go. I figured I had enough and called the doctor! There was no way I wanted to injure my right knee to the point of not being able to run again.
I was able to get into the doctors office on Friday morning and what a relief to find that I had only sprained/strained my ligament in my knee and did not tear it or dislocate my knee cap. I was told to wear a brace for a week, while walking, to prevent my knee from moving side to side. Apparently this is the motion that caused the bruised ligament. I did find out that running on a crown road or stepping on a stone can cause this same sideways motion and that I am to avoid. I can walk for a week with the brace, this will help prevent the sideways motion and then after that I can start running but only slowly at first. I am only to start with a half a mile and work up from there.
Even though I complained about running and sweating in the beginning, I feel sad now that I cannot do it. I know this is just a temporary setback, but the health benefits I have gained have been awesome and I do not want that to go away. I feel better than ever and I am really proud that I could get this far.
Keep watching cause I am coming back!!!!
Now, for the downs of the month :(. I strained my medial collateral ligament in my right knee. I did this on Sunday August 1st , while running at camp. I ran 3 miles on Monday at home with my dear husband but my knee hurt during and after the run that I decided I better rest a few days before running again. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off from running but my knee did not feel any better. Friday morning I hopped on the treadmill and raised the incline to 10 and did a really fast walk for 30 minutes. I had to hang on for the entire 30 minutes because I could feel the soreness in my knee when I let go. I figured I had enough and called the doctor! There was no way I wanted to injure my right knee to the point of not being able to run again.
I was able to get into the doctors office on Friday morning and what a relief to find that I had only sprained/strained my ligament in my knee and did not tear it or dislocate my knee cap. I was told to wear a brace for a week, while walking, to prevent my knee from moving side to side. Apparently this is the motion that caused the bruised ligament. I did find out that running on a crown road or stepping on a stone can cause this same sideways motion and that I am to avoid. I can walk for a week with the brace, this will help prevent the sideways motion and then after that I can start running but only slowly at first. I am only to start with a half a mile and work up from there.
Even though I complained about running and sweating in the beginning, I feel sad now that I cannot do it. I know this is just a temporary setback, but the health benefits I have gained have been awesome and I do not want that to go away. I feel better than ever and I am really proud that I could get this far.
Keep watching cause I am coming back!!!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
One Month Marker!!!!! I Made It!
Well I made it one month! Yahooo! Congratulations to me :)
It hasn't been one month of no whining or crying, but, it has been one month of sweating and tears! I have complained at almost every run. But, I have still tied my Nike+ sneakers and headed out on the road, or down to the treadmill. Today was my one month anniversary and today was the first day I was able to hit the road for a run and run the entire way without walking! It felt great to be able to accomplish this task! At 44+ years, I was able to start exercising, even with a bad knee and extra weight. I was able to turn my life long dislike for exercise into a life saving mission. What an accomplishment!
I hope I am able to inspire someone that feels the same way I do about exercise. I hope this blog will help you realize that exercise isn't easy and it sure isn't fun for a lot of us out there, but, it is a necessity. In order to maintain optimum health, diet, and exercise, one is in a constant struggle. If it was easy, then everyone would be at the perfect weight and optimum health. There would be no obese people and no one with cholesterol issues.
Since I purchased my Nike+ sneakers, one June 22, I have completed 16 workouts, for a total of 28.17 miles. It has taken me 6:00:43 seconds to complete this task. I have averaged a 12min 48 sec mile and burned a total of 3199 calories. 5 days of that time I was away at a horse show and did not have the time to even squeeze in a run, even though I brought all my gear with me. All the above was completed in a 21 day time period! That totally amazes me! I actually squeezed 16 workouts into 21 days and burned three days or more worth of calories doing it!
I will keep plugging away trying to turn those dense LDL particles into the fluffy non threatening LDL. All in hopes of saving my life and preventing me from falling into the statistics of people with the potential risk of having a stroke and heart attack. It isn't about my weight or looks anymore; it goes much deeper than that. It is about living a long and healthy life. The only one that can do this for me is me :) I have the choice to make my life exactly what I want my life to be. I also have the choice to live that life the way I want to and for me it is all about being healthy and living a long healthy life! I want to be there for my family and enjoy every precious moment that I can.
It hasn't been one month of no whining or crying, but, it has been one month of sweating and tears! I have complained at almost every run. But, I have still tied my Nike+ sneakers and headed out on the road, or down to the treadmill. Today was my one month anniversary and today was the first day I was able to hit the road for a run and run the entire way without walking! It felt great to be able to accomplish this task! At 44+ years, I was able to start exercising, even with a bad knee and extra weight. I was able to turn my life long dislike for exercise into a life saving mission. What an accomplishment!
I hope I am able to inspire someone that feels the same way I do about exercise. I hope this blog will help you realize that exercise isn't easy and it sure isn't fun for a lot of us out there, but, it is a necessity. In order to maintain optimum health, diet, and exercise, one is in a constant struggle. If it was easy, then everyone would be at the perfect weight and optimum health. There would be no obese people and no one with cholesterol issues.
Since I purchased my Nike+ sneakers, one June 22, I have completed 16 workouts, for a total of 28.17 miles. It has taken me 6:00:43 seconds to complete this task. I have averaged a 12min 48 sec mile and burned a total of 3199 calories. 5 days of that time I was away at a horse show and did not have the time to even squeeze in a run, even though I brought all my gear with me. All the above was completed in a 21 day time period! That totally amazes me! I actually squeezed 16 workouts into 21 days and burned three days or more worth of calories doing it!
I will keep plugging away trying to turn those dense LDL particles into the fluffy non threatening LDL. All in hopes of saving my life and preventing me from falling into the statistics of people with the potential risk of having a stroke and heart attack. It isn't about my weight or looks anymore; it goes much deeper than that. It is about living a long and healthy life. The only one that can do this for me is me :) I have the choice to make my life exactly what I want my life to be. I also have the choice to live that life the way I want to and for me it is all about being healthy and living a long healthy life! I want to be there for my family and enjoy every precious moment that I can.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Keeping myself motivated to continue!

Lucky for me I have a daughter, son, and husband that keep encouraging me to continue progressing!

I ventured out on the road for a 30 minute run. The nice thing about camp is all the roads up here are mostly flat, unlike home where all the roads are hilly. I prayed as I started that I could do it alone. Five minutes into my run and I started breathing really hard. I could hear that ego voice start with its little remarks like:
You’re not going to be able to do this alone!
What are you thinking!
How could a woman of your age think she could do this?
Blah.....Blah.....Blah.....! Why can't I just turn those annoying thoughts off? I wish there was a simple button to change all those negative thoughts into positive ones. Unfortunately for most of us there isn't a push button. We have to know how to change those thoughts around. Finally I was able to keep focused on the matter at hand and continue to run with slowing down and walking every once in a while. This is a must for me to be able to catch my breath and pick up my run again. Someday I will be able to make it the whole 30 minutes in a run, but for now it is a work in progress.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Second week into my running and I am still here!!!!!
Well, I made it through the first and second weeks! I have been running on the treadmill for most of my workouts and while at camp I hopped on my bicycle for a great workout with hubby :)! I am still whining and complaining but it is getting less and less. I no longer hurt anymore like I did in the beginning.
Last week during my workout I tried to overcome all of those nasty demeaning voices of my ego that kept telling me I couldn't do it, I am too old, I have a bad knee, etc.......! I realize that I allow all those voices to defeat me and I succumb to their nasty comments and start to believe them. It is still a work in progress but now I can see the ego for what it is. I will not let those thoughts enter during my workout. I have to look at it like I am meditating. When I first started to meditate those thoughts filled my head and I had a hard time clearing my mind and meditating. Now I can control my thoughts and slip into a beautiful peaceful meditation. Well, I have to treat running the same way. I have to learn a way to clear my mind so I can slip into a very peaceful run with no chatter. I started thinking back to when I was pregnant and in Lamaze classes. They taught you to focus on a point across the room and breathe. I could do that while running on the treadmill so I started to incorporate that process into my workout. I could find myself counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7..... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....over and over until I forgot that I was running. I realized that it was working! I found myself needing to hold on to the rail less and less. I also found myself able to run without wanting to close my eyes to pretend I was somewhere else. Finally making some progress I am starting to feel good about aerobic activity. Don't get me wrong, it is still not something I love to do but it is something that I have to do for my health. Remember, I am the girl that started whining 3 minutes into my first run and hung on to the treadmill for dear life closing my eyes wishing it would go away!
While at camp over the weekend I needed to continue working out. I do not have a treadmill at camp but I do have my bicycle. Every weekend my husband rides 25 miles on one of the weekend days. I am still new to all this and I knew I wouldn't be able to ride his route with him. On Sunday he asked me if I would like to ride a 5 mile route with him. I did this once last year so I knew I could make it. We left on the route and he kept track of our time. I let him go first so I would have something to keep up with. Knowing myself all to well I would cheat and slow down if I was left to lead. With him in front I had to keep up with him and I did. My heart was pounding and my cheek muscles were burning but by the time we reached camp we had completed 5 miles in less than 40 minutes! Hooray for me!
The beginning of my second week started on Monday morning. I got up and got on the treadmill first thing. I realized how much my ankles were hurting and how tired my legs were while running on the treadmill. My walking sneakers just were too heavy to run in. My darling daughter and I went shopping looking for running sneakers so I could continue running. We went to Dick's Sporting goods and found so many sneakers to choose from. That morning on the today show Hoda Kotb talked about how much her knees hurt while she ran until she purchased her Asics sneakers. I found the Asics at Dick's but I found something a little more interesting called Nike+. These sneakers have a sensor that records your workout for you. It tells you how many miles you ran, how long it took you, how many minute mile, (your fastest and your slowest). I fell in love with the newest sneaker and purchase myself a pair with the sensor and the armband. I also got my darling daughter a pair so she can run with me. Seeing how she has an i-pod she didn't need the armband only the sensor. The ipod, ipod touch and iphone will track your progress as you go. There is also an online sight you can join for free plug your armband into the usb port and it will download your data and help keep track of your progress and calories you burn. This is AWESOME!!!! It is a great thing to keep me on track.
I found myself Tuesday, Wednesday and today having great workouts minding it less and less. Today was my best run so far almost reaching 3 miles in 30 minutes. I looked down at my armband around 26 minutes into my workout to peak at my progress and I had forgot to push the button to run and my awesome workout wasn't recorded!!!! Figures! That is technology for you. At least I knew what I did and how awesome it was it just wasn't going to show on my nikeplus.com. Well kudos to me for making it through 2 weeks!!!! I only have the rest of my life to go :)
If your interested in learning more about the Nike+ follow the link to http://www.nikeplus.com/
Last week during my workout I tried to overcome all of those nasty demeaning voices of my ego that kept telling me I couldn't do it, I am too old, I have a bad knee, etc.......! I realize that I allow all those voices to defeat me and I succumb to their nasty comments and start to believe them. It is still a work in progress but now I can see the ego for what it is. I will not let those thoughts enter during my workout. I have to look at it like I am meditating. When I first started to meditate those thoughts filled my head and I had a hard time clearing my mind and meditating. Now I can control my thoughts and slip into a beautiful peaceful meditation. Well, I have to treat running the same way. I have to learn a way to clear my mind so I can slip into a very peaceful run with no chatter. I started thinking back to when I was pregnant and in Lamaze classes. They taught you to focus on a point across the room and breathe. I could do that while running on the treadmill so I started to incorporate that process into my workout. I could find myself counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7..... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....over and over until I forgot that I was running. I realized that it was working! I found myself needing to hold on to the rail less and less. I also found myself able to run without wanting to close my eyes to pretend I was somewhere else. Finally making some progress I am starting to feel good about aerobic activity. Don't get me wrong, it is still not something I love to do but it is something that I have to do for my health. Remember, I am the girl that started whining 3 minutes into my first run and hung on to the treadmill for dear life closing my eyes wishing it would go away!
While at camp over the weekend I needed to continue working out. I do not have a treadmill at camp but I do have my bicycle. Every weekend my husband rides 25 miles on one of the weekend days. I am still new to all this and I knew I wouldn't be able to ride his route with him. On Sunday he asked me if I would like to ride a 5 mile route with him. I did this once last year so I knew I could make it. We left on the route and he kept track of our time. I let him go first so I would have something to keep up with. Knowing myself all to well I would cheat and slow down if I was left to lead. With him in front I had to keep up with him and I did. My heart was pounding and my cheek muscles were burning but by the time we reached camp we had completed 5 miles in less than 40 minutes! Hooray for me!
The beginning of my second week started on Monday morning. I got up and got on the treadmill first thing. I realized how much my ankles were hurting and how tired my legs were while running on the treadmill. My walking sneakers just were too heavy to run in. My darling daughter and I went shopping looking for running sneakers so I could continue running. We went to Dick's Sporting goods and found so many sneakers to choose from. That morning on the today show Hoda Kotb talked about how much her knees hurt while she ran until she purchased her Asics sneakers. I found the Asics at Dick's but I found something a little more interesting called Nike+. These sneakers have a sensor that records your workout for you. It tells you how many miles you ran, how long it took you, how many minute mile, (your fastest and your slowest). I fell in love with the newest sneaker and purchase myself a pair with the sensor and the armband. I also got my darling daughter a pair so she can run with me. Seeing how she has an i-pod she didn't need the armband only the sensor. The ipod, ipod touch and iphone will track your progress as you go. There is also an online sight you can join for free plug your armband into the usb port and it will download your data and help keep track of your progress and calories you burn. This is AWESOME!!!! It is a great thing to keep me on track.
I found myself Tuesday, Wednesday and today having great workouts minding it less and less. Today was my best run so far almost reaching 3 miles in 30 minutes. I looked down at my armband around 26 minutes into my workout to peak at my progress and I had forgot to push the button to run and my awesome workout wasn't recorded!!!! Figures! That is technology for you. At least I knew what I did and how awesome it was it just wasn't going to show on my nikeplus.com. Well kudos to me for making it through 2 weeks!!!! I only have the rest of my life to go :)
If your interested in learning more about the Nike+ follow the link to http://www.nikeplus.com/
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dr. Visit, Reality, and Healing Yourself!
On Thursday June 10, 2010 I had my regular doctor's appointment. He was evaluating my blood work results that we do approximately every 3 months or so. This was my first time with the physician seeing how I had no major problems, I would normally see the practitioner every time but she is no longer working in this office.
Finally, the blood work results had revealed that the Niaspan I was taking had lowered my triglycerides and raised my good cholesterol (HDL) and lowered the bad cholesterol (LDL), Hooray! We are moving in the right direction. However, my physician does an in depth blood test that is called a VAP panel. This panel breaks down the cholesterol into particles. Large particles, which are what you want your LDL made up of and smaller more dense particles, which is what you do not want your LDL made up of. Well as fate would have it my LDL is mostly made up of the smaller more dense particles. The ones you do not want to have. This showed my physician that my cholesterol problems are mostly all hereditary and not dietary. Seeing how I do have a family history of heart disease this outcome is very disturbing.
As my Dr. and I spoke he informed me that the only way I can reverse the results of the VAP panel and shift my small dense LDL particles into the more fluffy large particles would be to do intense aerobic activity for 30 minutes 4 times a week. Did I mention I dislike exercise?
Now, I realize all these years I have placed exercise in the category of loosing weight. Something I feel is a chore and not fun at all. But, I do realize that the Dr. is now telling me that I have a choice to make. I can exercise as he suggests and reverse and even cure the chance of me getting heart disease and dying prematurely, or I can do nothing and continue as I am and increase my chances of dying early. This however is my choice to make, nobody but me!
I decided to bite the bullet and start the exercise routine of intense aerobics for 30 minutes 4 days a week. The doctor said that my choices of exercise could be running, jogging, swimming, bicycling, spinning, or using an epiliptical machine. I do have a bad knee and have despised running or jogging only because I cannot physically do it. I hate to sweat! I hate to feel fat and my blubber bouncing up and down while doing strenuous exercise. I do have a pool but the cold temperatures would keep me from being able to swim 30 minutes non stop and my bicycle is at camp so I am left to use my treadmill!
Friday morning June 11, 2010, I have decided to get on my treadmill after my darling daughter leaves for her final exams at school. Being an avid walker I figured it wouldn't be that hard to squeak out 30 minutes of jogging at a controlled pace. Heck I can walk forever without any difficulties this shouldn't be hard at all. So, I venture downstairs to my basement in my sports bra, exercise clothes and sneakers. With my trusty bottle of water and my book to look at on the treadmill how hard could this be? I placed my water in the cup holder, place my book in the area provided and started the treadmill at a pace just faster than a walk. All gung-ho that this is going to be simple and I am going to be able to show my dr. that I could do this. After all I have until September to prove to my physician that I can heal myself.
The treadmill starts and I am all excited that I can heal myself! I am 2 minutes into my 30 minute routine and I think I am going to DIE! I can hear myself saying what are you crazy? You’re not going to be able to make 30 minutes doing this! You’re going to have a heart attack! The first 15 minutes were pure torture! I could not think of anything but negative thoughts. All I kept doing to myself was beating myself up and putting myself down for the first 15 minutes. I then realized I was not helping myself at all and I was making it harder than it had to be. Why? All because I hated exercise and despised sweating!
Holding on to the treadmill for dear life all I could hear was my torturous whining! Here I am a grown woman of 44 years old whining! How pathetic! I realized what I was doing to myself and decided to turn this uncomfortable painful situation into a more positive one, at least I thought I could. I started saying I like this, I like this, I like this, I can do this, I can do this I can do this! By the time I got to the last 10 minutes I found myself counting down until I reached the 30 minute marker!
At last 30 minutes of sweating torturous jogging is over! I made it! I succeeded, even though I wanted to quit 3 minutes in. I had accomplished something I had kept telling myself that I couldn’t. Victory was in my hand! The best thing was that I had made the choice to start healing myself even if my ego kept telling me I couldn’t do it. I had learned to dismiss the negative ego for the 30 minutes! Tired, sweaty, and a little sore, yes sore, I had accomplished what my mind and my body had told me was impossible.
My darling daughter came home from school after her final exams, I proceeded to tell her about my days experience jogging on the treadmill. All she could do was laugh at the thought of me hanging on to the treadmill for dear life saying "I like this, I like this, I can do this, I can do this. I guess she knows me well enough to be able to visualize my heroic efforts.
I am feeling great about my accomplishment! I know it was only 30 minutes, and I know it was just a speed higher than walking, but for me it was a marathon! I won the marathon! I actually had put all my negativity and whining away and made a choice that I followed through with, A choice that will heal my body and mind and will help me live a longer, healthier and happy life.
I am not saying it was easy, I realize that I have to do this the rest of my life. I am however proud of myself :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Where does the time go?
Even though time is an illusion, doesn't it seem like we never have enough of it?
Where does the time go? Do you know? How do you stop time or at least slow it down?
I would love to hear your theory on this age old delimma.
If you haven't noticed I haven't posted on my blog since March. Why? I am not sure. I just know that sometimes time runs out. Maybe I just didn't alot enough time to stop in and post my thoughts. Maybe I filled that time with something else. Do you find this happening to you? Tell me your thoughts
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
When you find yourself unhappy with your life, job, relationships, etc...... You find yourself faced with the need to make changes with that something in your life. Change isn't easy at all but it is very necessary in order to grow. Without the change you will continue to be miserable living the life you were not meant to live.
Find your purpose by making a list of all the things you loved to do when you were around the age of ten to present time. Then make a list of all the things you dislike to do. Figure out how many of the dislike things are in your everyday life and correct them. Don't listen to the voices you have heard over the years like "you'll never make a living do that", "It isn't possible to make money that way"..............etc........ Do not listen to all those fear based statements. Know in your heart that anything is possible. You can do whatever you want to do as long as you put your mind to it and take baby steps everyday towards that goal.
Change your ways. Change your thoughts. Change your direction. You will be amazed at the peace and contentment you will be living when you are full filling your purpose.
If life was easy we wouldn't be here learning. Accept change and learn to grow!
Find your purpose by making a list of all the things you loved to do when you were around the age of ten to present time. Then make a list of all the things you dislike to do. Figure out how many of the dislike things are in your everyday life and correct them. Don't listen to the voices you have heard over the years like "you'll never make a living do that", "It isn't possible to make money that way"..............etc........ Do not listen to all those fear based statements. Know in your heart that anything is possible. You can do whatever you want to do as long as you put your mind to it and take baby steps everyday towards that goal.
Change your ways. Change your thoughts. Change your direction. You will be amazed at the peace and contentment you will be living when you are full filling your purpose.
If life was easy we wouldn't be here learning. Accept change and learn to grow!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Living in the Now!
How many of us really live in the now?
There isn't many people that I know of including myself that can put ego aside and live in the now. During certain circumstance's we can find ourselves living in the now for brief moments, but then our minds simple seem to listen to ego and think about the past or the future.
If we were to live in the now time would only be an illusion. There would be no thoughts of time. Try slipping into the gaps in your thoughts and see if you can live in the now, without thought or ego. Let me know if this is something you can do. Can you live in the moment without thoughts of past or future?
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Blame Trap!
Do you find yourself or a loved one caught in the Blame Trap?
The Blame Trap, as I have coined it this is when someone just cannot take responsibility or ownership to the misfortunes that take place in their life. They are caught in a vicious cycle of blaming others for their unfortunate circumstances. Here is an example: Quite a few years back I was on my way to work the afternoon shift. I stopped at the stop sign and looked both ways before I proceeded through the intersection. It was a country setting and the field grass was so tall that my view was slightly obstructed. I didn't see the car that was coming and before I knew it the car collided with my car and we were in an accident. I remember asking the guy from the window if he was alright. He said to me, "Lady you just ruined my life"! Then he proceeded to leave the seen of the accident. I got on my cell phone and called the police. Three days later they found the guy that hit me and the police notified me that he had a warrant out for his arrest. Instead of owning up to his mistakes he decided that I had ruined his life. This is just a small example, most examples you can see on a day to day basis.
It is time to own up to your mistakes! You cannot move forward unless you acknowledge that it is your fault. Are you stuck in poverty, are you always behind the eight ball, are you finding brick walls everywhere you turn? Once you acknowledge that you are the cause for your misfortune, you will be able to fix your problem. Own up to! Then ask yourself how can I change this situation. Listen deeply to your first thoughts. Start to change the way you respond by responding with the first thoughts.
Hopefully this will make sense for you. Remember that you cannot fix or change what you do not acknowledge. Once you acknowledge the problem then find another way to solve it. Obviously the approach you have been using isn't working, so why not try another. Try using your first thoughts. Sit quietly and ask for help. The first thing that pops into your head will be that first thought. Try not to listen to your ego. Your first thought will be something that you would not have imagined of and will always come from a place of love. Your ego will come from a place of fear. This is how you will be able to tell the difference.
If you're the one stuck in the Blame Trap give this a try. If you have a loved one or a friend that is stuck please share this with them. You will be surprised how your life will change when you take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and choices in your life.
Best wishes
The Blame Trap, as I have coined it this is when someone just cannot take responsibility or ownership to the misfortunes that take place in their life. They are caught in a vicious cycle of blaming others for their unfortunate circumstances. Here is an example: Quite a few years back I was on my way to work the afternoon shift. I stopped at the stop sign and looked both ways before I proceeded through the intersection. It was a country setting and the field grass was so tall that my view was slightly obstructed. I didn't see the car that was coming and before I knew it the car collided with my car and we were in an accident. I remember asking the guy from the window if he was alright. He said to me, "Lady you just ruined my life"! Then he proceeded to leave the seen of the accident. I got on my cell phone and called the police. Three days later they found the guy that hit me and the police notified me that he had a warrant out for his arrest. Instead of owning up to his mistakes he decided that I had ruined his life. This is just a small example, most examples you can see on a day to day basis.
It is time to own up to your mistakes! You cannot move forward unless you acknowledge that it is your fault. Are you stuck in poverty, are you always behind the eight ball, are you finding brick walls everywhere you turn? Once you acknowledge that you are the cause for your misfortune, you will be able to fix your problem. Own up to! Then ask yourself how can I change this situation. Listen deeply to your first thoughts. Start to change the way you respond by responding with the first thoughts.
Hopefully this will make sense for you. Remember that you cannot fix or change what you do not acknowledge. Once you acknowledge the problem then find another way to solve it. Obviously the approach you have been using isn't working, so why not try another. Try using your first thoughts. Sit quietly and ask for help. The first thing that pops into your head will be that first thought. Try not to listen to your ego. Your first thought will be something that you would not have imagined of and will always come from a place of love. Your ego will come from a place of fear. This is how you will be able to tell the difference.
If you're the one stuck in the Blame Trap give this a try. If you have a loved one or a friend that is stuck please share this with them. You will be surprised how your life will change when you take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and choices in your life.
Best wishes
Friday, February 26, 2010
Dare to Dream Big!
We have all dreamed of what our lives would be like if:
Then it seems to stop there. The thoughts start rushing through and the fears and doubts seem to take over telling us that we can't do that, we can't be that, we can't get there and we seem to listen. Why?
Take out a sheet of paper and write down your biggest dream! No doubts and no fears! Do not listen to them. Really think about what you would like your life to look like in a few years. Do you want to be wealthy? Do you want to own your own business? What is it that you really want? When your thoughts start telling you that it can't happen, don't listen to it. You can really do whatever it is you want to do as long as you put your mind to it. I mean literally put your mind to it. You have to think it and believe it.
After you write down your dream, start listing a few short goals that can get you to that dream outcome. Take this paper out everyday and look at it. Read your dream and read your goals. This will start to give you direction in your life. Start taking baby steps to reach that dream. Do something everyday on your list of goals. Keep writing new goals to reach your dream. Don't give up. Remember you can do whatever you want but you have to do in order to get there.
Start visualizing yourself in your dream. Start writing affirmations that you are there. Keep reading the dream, goals and affirmations everyday. Keep it current in your mind. Simple as ask and you shall receive. Watch what will unfold before your eyes. Remember that you get exactly what you ask for so make sure to word your paper accordingly and ask for what you want not for what you don’t want.
Why not try it you really have nothing to loose!
Then it seems to stop there. The thoughts start rushing through and the fears and doubts seem to take over telling us that we can't do that, we can't be that, we can't get there and we seem to listen. Why?
Take out a sheet of paper and write down your biggest dream! No doubts and no fears! Do not listen to them. Really think about what you would like your life to look like in a few years. Do you want to be wealthy? Do you want to own your own business? What is it that you really want? When your thoughts start telling you that it can't happen, don't listen to it. You can really do whatever it is you want to do as long as you put your mind to it. I mean literally put your mind to it. You have to think it and believe it.
After you write down your dream, start listing a few short goals that can get you to that dream outcome. Take this paper out everyday and look at it. Read your dream and read your goals. This will start to give you direction in your life. Start taking baby steps to reach that dream. Do something everyday on your list of goals. Keep writing new goals to reach your dream. Don't give up. Remember you can do whatever you want but you have to do in order to get there.
Start visualizing yourself in your dream. Start writing affirmations that you are there. Keep reading the dream, goals and affirmations everyday. Keep it current in your mind. Simple as ask and you shall receive. Watch what will unfold before your eyes. Remember that you get exactly what you ask for so make sure to word your paper accordingly and ask for what you want not for what you don’t want.
Why not try it you really have nothing to loose!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Manifesting Your Destiny!
Do you want to know how? It really is simple. Okay, I see the look you are giving me right now. Simple, you say! How could it be simple? If it was simple everyone would have exactly what they want in life wouldn't they? Well, the answer is yes! Everyday you are given exactly what you ask for. Have you ever caught yourself saying "we can't buy that we don't have the money". Well what you are really saying is you don't have money so guess what? You are asking for no money and that is what you are given. No Money!
Be careful how you say things. Be careful how you word things when writing it down on paper. Think positive and say positive!
If what you really want is money then get out a piece of paper and write it down. Try writing it as an affirmation, like you are already there. Example: “I am successfully financial"! Read it often and write down a few goals so you can attain that financial success. I am not kidding this really works if you do not give in to your ego or your fears and doubts.
Have you ever noticed a check arriving in the mail just in time so you can make that payment that was due? Has this ever happened to you? Well, that is what manifesting is all about. Stop and take notice of how this works. Leave the fears and doubts aside and start believing. Take those simple steps to get to what you really want out of life.
What are you waiting for? Start now!
Be careful how you say things. Be careful how you word things when writing it down on paper. Think positive and say positive!
If what you really want is money then get out a piece of paper and write it down. Try writing it as an affirmation, like you are already there. Example: “I am successfully financial"! Read it often and write down a few goals so you can attain that financial success. I am not kidding this really works if you do not give in to your ego or your fears and doubts.
Have you ever noticed a check arriving in the mail just in time so you can make that payment that was due? Has this ever happened to you? Well, that is what manifesting is all about. Stop and take notice of how this works. Leave the fears and doubts aside and start believing. Take those simple steps to get to what you really want out of life.
What are you waiting for? Start now!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
How many times do we really listen to what our world and our bodies are telling us? Are you a person that second guesses your decision's?
Next time try very hard not to think what the right answer is but instead feel what the right answer is and listen to your own body. You will never be wrong if you banish your fear and listen to your intuition!
Try to Listen more to what your world and your body is telling you. Feel your gut instincts!
Next time try very hard not to think what the right answer is but instead feel what the right answer is and listen to your own body. You will never be wrong if you banish your fear and listen to your intuition!
Try to Listen more to what your world and your body is telling you. Feel your gut instincts!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Blessings for all!
With the recent devastating earthquake in Haiti, how many of you have stopped to count your blessings?
When tragedy falls upon our fellow humans we can't help but stop, take a deep breath and say thank you for keeping us safe. Please take a moment from your busy lives and say a prayer for all of those people in Haiti, their relatives and for the thousands of selfless strangers that have given their time to help those in need. Don’t forget to say a simple thank you for keeping you safe during these times. It won’t take much time at all!
It’s the gratitude thing! Does it really take that much time to be grateful? I think not! Not only is it our duty as human beings to have compassion for others but it is also a must for our soul’s journey in our lifetime.
Thank You!
When tragedy falls upon our fellow humans we can't help but stop, take a deep breath and say thank you for keeping us safe. Please take a moment from your busy lives and say a prayer for all of those people in Haiti, their relatives and for the thousands of selfless strangers that have given their time to help those in need. Don’t forget to say a simple thank you for keeping you safe during these times. It won’t take much time at all!
It’s the gratitude thing! Does it really take that much time to be grateful? I think not! Not only is it our duty as human beings to have compassion for others but it is also a must for our soul’s journey in our lifetime.
Thank You!
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