I had my blood work checked on the 10th of September and I am happy to report that the running is working and my cholesterol numbers have improved significantly!!! Not to mention, I have lost a total of 15 pounds in the progress, dropped two shirt sizes and also dropped a pant size!
I know I have complained about the running and I haven't learned to like it as of yet, but I guess you don't have to like everything you do to improve your health. You just have to realize that the only way to get healthy is to actually do the exercise, watch what you eat and be on top of your healthcare. The days of waiting for someone to do it for you, give you a magic pill, or for you to use all these fad diets are over. The only way to loose weight and keep all your blood work in check is to know what you put into your mouth, exercise even if you hate it, and follow up with a knowledgeable physician that is not pill happy or getting kick backs from the drug companies.
It really is simple! You have to do the work in order to receive the benefits. There should be no excuses! Believe me I was the queen of excuses. I have a bad knee, I can't run, I don't have time, I am too tired, I don't have anyone to watch the kids, etc........... The list goes on and on. Switch those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and the laws of attraction will start to work for you. You have no one to blame but yourself.
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