Saturday, December 11, 2010

Can we change our genetics? I am living proof!

I am living proof that genetics do not have to play a major role in your health!!!

As most of you know that follow this blog I started running in June 2010 as recommended by my physician. It had to do with my genetic tendency to heart disease, stroke and increased cholesterol. No matter how much I despised running or exercising of any kind, I was able to change my genetic makeup and reverse my predisposed tendency towards heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol. My triglycerides are finally normal, my HDL (good cholesterol) is right where it should be and my LDL (bad cholesterol) is significantly lower! How could this be?

I have increased my life expectancy and changed my genetics all by changing the way I thought and felt about exercising, eating and emotions. Whether you believe it or not you are the one that writes the story of how your health will be in your life time. We are the only ones that have the ability to get rid of the diseases and illnesses that invade our physical body. We are also the only ones that can stop those same illnesses and diseases from ever entering our bodies in the first place.

  • The first way we do this is by eating the foods that are not good for us. It is up to us to only put the healthy foods into our systems. No more fast food restaurants or easy boxed, canned or processed foods.

  • The second way we do this is by not exercising. Believe me I was the queen of excuses when it came to exercising. Remember I am the one that hates to sweat! I still battle with my ego every time I run but I still run and fight to push those negative thoughts out of my head.

  • The third way we do this is by holding onto anger and resentment. We internalize these feelings and all they do is create disease in our bodies. Diseases like cancer! We need to learn to release these emotions and not harbor them within ourselves. This is easier said than done for some people, but it is definitely doable.

This isn't simple, but then again it can be simple. Learning to change your behaviors and actions that have been ingrained in you since birth is the hardest battle. You need to realize that it can be done. The key is that you have to want to live a healthy life; you have to want to change. There are so many people out there that are lost. They just need a little guidance. If one person can just spread this message to one friend and then they do the same, we may be able to help just one person that is willing to listen. One person that is willing to put themselves first and change the way they think, feel, and act about their health. Every time your ego kicks in and tells you that you can't do this or gives you negative thoughts, stop it dead in its tracks. You have the ability to stop those negative thoughts and turn them into something positive.

Be grateful, be thankful, be positive, be humble, be wise, and most of all be healthy!!!!


  1. Beautiful words! And so are you!

  2. I came across your blog by accident. And even though I did, It all makes perfect sense. Hard to find someone else as interested in this as I am or my friends. The mind and body is what we make of it. I think reading your blog was enough for me to push my understandings further.

  3. Thank You Shamesi. I am so glad you followed your guidance and decided to stop and read my blog. I am so glad the divine words in my writings have inspired you.
