It has been two weeks worth of intense aerobic activity for me. Now, what I mean is it has been intense for me not for you. It might be just considered a light workout for some but for me it has been 30 plus minutes of keeping a high heart rate in order to reverse my LDL small dense particles into the larger fluffy particles. Keeping motivated is a key factor for me to be able to continue focusing on my health issues. Support is a must! When people around you do not support you it takes much more for us to be able to dig down deep inside to find the encouragement to keep yourself going. It isn't easy; as a matter of fact it is just plan hard! Especially if you really are not a big fan of working out.
Lucky for me I have a daughter, son, and husband that keep encouraging me to continue progressing!

This morning when I got up my dear husband said after he did his 20 mile ride on his bicycle that he would come back and get me and we could do the same route we did last week. I decided that I wouldn't make him do double duty and I would run instead. I asked my dear daughter if she was up for a run but, it is Saturday and she really wanted to sleep in. How easy it would have been for me to just sit back and relax stay in the camp and not run. Heck, who would know! Dear daughter was sleeping and dear husband was gone for over an hour. The thought did cross my mind; however I kept remembering the Dr's word's. "It is your choice"! It is also my health and if I don't take care of it certainly nobody else would do it. So, with that thought and those words echoing in my head. I put the sensor in my running sneakers, laced them up tight, put my arm band on, put my hair up in a ponytail and placed a hat on my head. All the time hoping no one would notice me and how awful I looked! Believe it or not it took a great deal of encouragement to be seen in public looking like I did this morning. I figured it might make me run faster if I was trying to hide my appearance from everyone! LOL!
I ventured out on the road for a 30 minute run. The nice thing about camp is all the roads up here are mostly flat, unlike home where all the roads are hilly. I prayed as I started that I could do it alone. Five minutes into my run and I started breathing really hard. I could hear that ego voice start with its little remarks like:
You’re not going to be able to do this alone!
What are you thinking!
How could a woman of your age think she could do this?
Blah.....Blah.....Blah.....! Why can't I just turn those annoying thoughts off? I wish there was a simple button to change all those negative thoughts into positive ones. Unfortunately for most of us there isn't a push button. We have to know how to change those thoughts around. Finally I was able to keep focused on the matter at hand and continue to run with slowing down and walking every once in a while. This is a must for me to be able to catch my breath and pick up my run again. Someday I will be able to make it the whole 30 minutes in a run, but for now it is a work in progress.

Proud of myself and how well I was doing I looked at my sports band to see how much longer I would need to get to the 30 minutes I needed. I saw I only had 6 more minutes! Hooray!!!! I went down this little road near the Harbor that had more camping sites. I saw an elderly woman and her husband sitting in lawn chairs in front of their camp. The lady yelled to me Keep Running!!!! I replied, "I think I feel too old to be doing this"! Well, now they had at least 30 years on me and I could hear the woman say OLD Nah! This is one of those times where I didn't think before I spoke. I really think I shouldn't have said I was old! This woman was probably thinking to herself if she is old then what am I? As I turned around by the Harbor and started to head back to my camp I passed the woman and her husband again. This time she said to me, "You look like you’re about to Keel over, I don't think you’re going to make it"! UGH! I guess I had that coming and I am sure it was not a pretty picture with the seat pouring off of me and the heavy labored breathing I was doing! Gee, did she have to say that? I turned and said, "Oh, I will make it!" And guess what? I made it!!! Actually I think my pace picked up after she said that and I was going to prove her wrong, and I did :) Good for me another run down and I did it on the road by myself!
AWESOME!!!!!! Great motivation! I love this blog!