Blog Talk Radio: Processed Foods
Holistic Healing For Otpimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: Processed Foods and how they are harming you?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Anti-inflammatory Diet What is it 10/20 by ElizabethSampson Blog Talk Radio
Holistic Healing For Otpimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: Anti-Inflammatory Diet...What is it? How can it help you?
Holistic Healing For Otpimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: Anti-Inflammatory Diet...What is it? How can it help you?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
You Are What You Eat!
Holistic Healing For Optimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: You Are What You Eat!
You Are What You Eat. 10/13 by ElizabethSampson Blog Talk Radio
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: You Are What You Eat!
You Are What You Eat. 10/13 by ElizabethSampson Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Change is Good Episode
Change is Good 10/06 by ElizabethSampson Blog Talk Radio
Holistic Healing For Optimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: Change is Good!
Holistic Healing For Optimal Living
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing.
Today's episode: Change is Good!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Holistc Healing for Optimal Living Online Radio by ElizabethSampson | Blog Talk Radio
Holistc Healing for Optimal Living Online Radio by ElizabethSampson Blog Talk Radio
The “Holistic Healing for Optimal Living” Radio Show has moved to BLOG TALK RADIO! Join HOST ELIZABETH SAMPSON as she focuses on shifting your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that hold the power to transform the quality of your life and optimize your health. Elizabeth, a Registered Nurse and Medical Intuitive will support you in optimizing your health and healing from the inside-out!
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing. Elizabeth interviews leading edge experts in the field of holistic healing and offers weekly opportunities for her listener’s to call in and participate in the show.
Are you ready to tap into your innate power to heal yourself? Tune in each week and learn powerful ways to shift your negative thoughts and behaviors into empowering thoughts and beliefs that will transform the quality of your life. Each show is filled with helpful information and topics that will empower you to optimize your health and place you in the direct path for divine healing. Elizabeth interviews leading edge experts in the field of holistic healing and offers weekly opportunities for her listener’s to call in and participate in the show.
“Holistic Healing for Optimal Living” will inspire and awaken you to take full control of your health and well-being while tapping into your divine inner guidance. Tune in BLOG TALK RADIO to connect directly with Elizabeth and her guests as she shares her heartfelt wisdom to bring divine happiness and healing to a global audience.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Wellness Coaching Program

Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Wellness Coaching program is a phone-based counseling program that helps people understand the impact of lifestyle choices on their health and the benefits of change.
Wellness coaching helps people improve lifestyle habits. There are health-damaging behaviors such as lack of physical activity and poor eating habits that are responsible for the onset of chronic illness and early death of millions of people. Although chronic diseases are among the most common and costly of all health problems, they are also among the most preventable.
Elizabeth Sampson works one-on-one with program participants. Each program is tailor made exclusively to meet your physical and emotional needs. This program will empower you to make long-term healthy changes by building self-efficacy and skills that you will be able to use long past the end of the program.
This Wellness Coaching program covers five lifestyle focus areas:
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Stress
- Weight
- Mind, Body, Spirit connection
- Manage costs by promoting prevention and early intervention
- Build skills to change behavior and sustain it
- Improve participant’s quality of life
- Provide education and support to make lifestyle changes that reduce health risks
Coaching Sessions are for a 6 month period and will be conducted over the phone or Skype twice a month with unlimited email support during the 6 month period.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Healing From Within
If you have listened to my radio show, Holistic Healing for Optimal Living, for the past 24 weeks on Contact Talk Radio you will know that I am all about teaching people simple tools and techniques that will help them heal from illness and disease. All this information has been free information that will help empower you to take control of your health and healing and place you on the direct path for divine healing.
Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Radio show has 2 more weeks left to broadcast on Contact Talk Radio and then my contract is up and in need of renewal. I am asking the public to sponsor the show if you would like to keep this show on the CTR Network.
I love hosting this International Talk Radio Show but I do not have the financial means at this time to continue to fund the broadcast. If sponsorship does not take place at this time I will take the divine guidance and move forward on my path to the next chapter.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the listener's and supporters of the radio show. If you are interested in sponsoring please contact Cameron Steele at Contact Radio 1-877-230-3062.
Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Radio show has 2 more weeks left to broadcast on Contact Talk Radio and then my contract is up and in need of renewal. I am asking the public to sponsor the show if you would like to keep this show on the CTR Network.
I love hosting this International Talk Radio Show but I do not have the financial means at this time to continue to fund the broadcast. If sponsorship does not take place at this time I will take the divine guidance and move forward on my path to the next chapter.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the listener's and supporters of the radio show. If you are interested in sponsoring please contact Cameron Steele at Contact Radio 1-877-230-3062.
Wishing you
Optimal Heath and Healing,
Elizabeth Sampson, RN, RMT
Holistic Wellness Consultant
"Optimize Your Health and Healing...From the Inside-Out".
Elizabeth Sampson, RN, RMT
Holistic Wellness Consultant
"Optimize Your Health and Healing...From the Inside-Out".
Monday, August 8, 2011
Super Foods
Superfoods: What are they? How can they help us?
Imagine a superfood -- not a drug -- powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and, for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did I happen to mention that there are no side effects? You'd surely stock up on a lifetime supply. Guess what people? These life-altering superfoods are available right now in your local supermarket and possible in your back yard.
I have stumbled upon a list of 25 super foods that I would like to share with everyone. They are in no particular order and I will have them posted on my website at Elizabeth Sampson dot com on the articles page.
Like everything know the source of your food. Know where you food comes from how it is grown and above all remember that everything should be eaten in moderation. Statistics have proven that those people who eat fish and have a balance diet as a regular part of their regime live longer and healthier lives than those who don’t.
1. Salmon or Tuna or Mackerel .. A low-cal way to get loads of lean protein, omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins, selenium, and vitamin D. And lots of other health benefits.. Now I know you are going to ask about the issues of mercury in fish as we are polluting our food chain… So this is important to know where your fish comes from. The positive benefits of eating fish far outweigh any of the negatives. For those of you with arthritis and joint disease eating fish is a great lubricant for your joints.
2. Olive Oil – This is a key ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, and a major factor in their low rate of heart disease, depression and cancer. Olive oil is a potent disease-fighting liquid, High in Vitamin E, a powerful anti-aging antioxidant. Plus it doses the good vs bad stuff with cholesterol. Not as good at internally lubricating the joints as fish /cod liver oil but not bad. Look for the Extra Virgin Olive oil and for the first cold pressed. Most people will tell you not to cook with extra virgin olive oil but I do. Now I don’t mean fry foods in it.
3. Oats – Noting starts the day better than Muesli or Porridge. Helps lower cholesterol and fats forming on your blood vessel walls. Fiber fills you up with slow release energy and saves you feeling hungry for longer so you don’t snack on rubbish. High levels of Vitamin E and antioxidants. If you are like me and gluten sensitive then choose a grain like Quinoa. I eat the Quinoa Flakes for breakfast and it is just like oatmeal. Just add your blueberries and walnuts for extra flavor.
4. Broccoli – Contains powerful antioxidants regular servings may help prevent heart disease, bowel, stomach, breast and lung cancers. Plus beta-carotene which the body helps convert to Vitamin A.
5. Basil and other herbs and spices – Apart from adding flavors to cooked food in moderation they can provide other health benefits. Basil oil has potent antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids, also has antimicrobial activity against food-borne pathogens. Find out for yourself the benefits of using herbs and spices to your health. Make yourself a little container garden of spices and place it outside your kitchen or in your kitchen.
6. Pumpkin seeds – You can buy these in bulk at your local health food store. Contains: Omega 3, Alpha Linolenic Acid (helps blood flow, cardiovascular health, brain function and immunity) Protein, vitamin E and antioxidant minerals Selenium and Zinc
7. Red Kidney Bean – Good for protein, fill you up and are a slow release energy food rich in cholesterol lowering fiber. Could have had other pulses and lentils here as well, which all have other health benefits.
8. Yogurt – live bio yogurt or a pro-biotic yogurt. Calcium and vitamin B, plus aids your digestion, aids bone strength and helps prevent osteoporosis. Good with fruit nuts and berries if you’re in a rush at breakfast or just mix with your porridge or muesli. Perfect for those who are diagnosed with celiac disease. Check your labels when choosing yogurt.
9. Soy/ soya bean –Soy helps prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, and helps relieve menopausal and menstrual symptoms. Soy milk is a good substitute for cow’s milk
10. Tomatoes – Loads of nutrients and next to no calories. Health benefits ; taken often in all forms reduces the risk of Prostate Cancer by 35%. Source of lycopene (antioxidant) and vitamin C. Did you know the cheap tins of tomatoes are exactly the same as the expensive brands.
11. Almonds /Walnut – Almonds raise HDL cholesterol (the good) while lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad one) so overall decreasing risk for heart disease. Source of vitamin E, B, Calcium, Iron, Zinc. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 and magnesium plus other goodies. Once again moderation as they are high in calories
12. Turkey – A low fat source of protein contains tryptohan which converts to serotonin. Rich in zinc and iron, in the dark meat. Raises dopamine which boosts alertness. plus trace mineral selenium, plus niacin and Vitamin B. 50% Less fat than beef and 30% less calories. Can’t get Turkey… eat Free range Chicken.
13. Tea – A cup of tea is the ultimate relaxant, Tea leaves contain more than 700 chemicals. Proven to aid the immune function of the human body, it also helps with prevention of coronary heart diseases and diabetes by reducing the blood-glucose activity. Green tea is the best choice in this department.
14. Oranges/ Grapefruit – What’s not to like here, contains vitamin C which helps make Collagen for healthy younger looking skin, keeps the blood vessels healthy, fights bacteria and viruses. Also has Bioflavanoids which is good for the eyes and pectin, which lowers your cholesterol.
15. Apples – The ultimate snack food. Research suggests that apples may reduce the risk of colon, prostate and lung cancer. Many other fruits and vegetables have far more vitamin C and fiber, than apples. but they are a rich source of other antioxidant compounds and help regulate bowel movements and may thus reduce the risk of colon cancer. They may also help with heart disease, weight loss, and controlling cholesterol, as they do not have any cholesterol, have fiber, which reduces cholesterol by preventing re-absorption, and (like most fruits and vegetables) are bulky for their caloric content. There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples, try some of the more unusual ones if available
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
16. Milk – Got to be careful with this one, buy from the right sources and I use skimmed High in calcium and protein. Can help lower blood fat levels and as a result, reduce blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease. As will all things take, in moderation.
17. Banana – A happy food. Most lists have Avocado in there somewhere, I prefer the humble Banana. Along with other fruits and vegetables, consumption of bananas is associated with a reduced risk of colon and kidney cancer and in women, breast cancer. Contains vitamin B, C, and potassium.
Happy food? They contain serotonin. Serotonin makes you smile.
Happy food? They contain serotonin. Serotonin makes you smile.
18. Bok Choy- A very low cal and nutrient rich veg … Rich in vitamin A, C, and calcium. Spinach is another great veg and contains lutein which helps protect against age related deterioration of vision.
19. Garlic – Vital ingredient in any dish. Contains antioxidants that help the heart and help fight off stomach and colon cancers.. lowers blood pressure and may help to fight off colds.
20. Watercress – I personally find this too bitter and strong .. but a friend of mine swears by it.. she gets a hint of a sniffle and lashes loads down. Contains Iodine, Iron, Vitamin A and D
21. Whole Wheat Pasta – Or if you are gluten sensitive Quinoa pasta… but it does provide Vitamin B, Folate, selenium and zinc and well as giving a slow energy release as it breaks down in your body.
22. Sweet potatoes - Contains twice the amount of vitamin A, and fiber as the white potato, Source of Vitamin C, and Beta–Carotene (the darker the orange, the more B-C)
23. Blackberries/ blueberries –Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory and can help fight infections..
"Inflammation" is a key driver of all chronic diseases, so blueberries have a host of benefits. When selecting berries, note that the darker they are, the more anti-oxidants they have. I tell everyone to have a serving (about 1/2 cup) every day. Frozen are just as good as fresh. Be sure to include lots of other fruits and vegetables in your diet as well. Remember too that, in general, the more color they have, the more antioxidants.
24. Eggs – Cheap, easy to prepare, and versatile, unless you’re eating 30 plus a week the cholesterol they contain is minimal compared to the benefits. High in protein and omega 3 plus vitamin D. Eat Free range or better still Pet eggs …. never battery produced/farmed eggs
25. Dark Chocolate – ok you’re not suppose to eat loads of it (high in calories) all chocolate contains sugar and fats but the darker, the higher the percentage of cacao. Eat Divine Choc and you help others. Health benefits include lowering blood pressure. Source of Magnesium and Iron
Remember these foods will be listed on my website at Elizabeth Sampson dot com on the article page. Print it out and take it with you while you are shopping.
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Holistic Healing for Optimal Living
Oriskany, NY
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Elizabeth Sampson RN, RMT
Holistic Healing for Optimal Living
Oriskany, NY
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Monday, June 20, 2011
Thank You!

I am truly grateful for your generous gift that will continue to help others learn the tools and techniques that will help place them on the direct path to divine healing!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
150 Often Overlooked Blessings From Sarah Ban Breathnach
Faith. Faith in a spirit possessing greater strength, wisdom, power and love than you do. Faith in the ultimate goodness of Life. Faith in yourself. Faith that as you seek, you will find.
The dream that will not die because you were born to love it into full being.
Answered prayers.
The kindness of strangers.
The warmth and security of home. Crossing the threshold and closing the door after a hard day.
Expressions of unconditional love and support.
Your health. The health of those you love.
That moment of relief when you realize that the pain has subsided.
A job that provides steady income while you pursue your dreams.
Feeling the presence of Spirit in your life.
Sinking into a warm, softly scented bath after a stressful day.
The aroma of something delicious wafting from the kitchen.
Not having to cook tonight.
Your boundless imagination.
When hope is restored.
Following your intuition and being delighted that you did.
Daydreams. Reveries. Textured, technicolor nightscapes of happiness and good fortune that have you awakening with a smile.
Twelve hours uninterrupted sleep.
Breakfast in bed.
Serenity as you pay bills.
Acceptance after struggle.
Seeing him or her and having your heart skip a beat.
Seeing him or her and finally feeling nothing.
Completely and utterly surrendering to what is and then waiting expectantly for the good that is to come.
An afternoon to do as you please.
Doing a great job and having it and your efforts appreciated.
Holding your child in your arms.
Delighting in other people's children.
Witnessing the birth of new life.
The times when your ideas "clicked" with others.
The fragrance of a vacation day.
The beach. The feel of the sand beneath your feet, the salty breeze, the warming rays of the sun.
A walk in the woods and becoming aware of life all around you.
Trying something new and loving it.
The desire for knowledge.
Two hours in a wonderful bookstore.
Waking up early enough to watch the sun rise with a cup of tea or coffee.
Watching the sunset.
Meeting a kindred spirit.
Meeting your soul mate(s) and recognizing that you have known each other before.
The moment when the veil is lifted from both your eyes and you know that you know....
Hearing a piece of music that instantly touches your soul.
Being able to add that music to your collection immediately.
Reading a passage in a book or a poem that expresses exactly how you feel.
Memorizing a beautiful piece of poetry and sharing it with another in conversation.
Holding hands.
Having a congenial conversation with a stranger on a plane, train, or bus.
Successfully hailing a cab in rush hour.
A nap.
Realizing that there are no coincidences.
Nailing the punch line in a favorite joke.
Hearing their laughter.
Relishing a wonderful movie. Liking it so much you want to see it again as the credits roll. Seeing it again.
Laughing so hard, you can't catch your breath and your sides ache.
The sacred release of a good cry.
Bringing joy, happiness, and comfort to another person or creature.
The loyal, loving companionship of pets.
Feeling you're part of a loving and supportive community or church.
Finding a parking space exactly when you need one.
Summoning up the courage to surmount a challenge.
Taking tiny and big risks and having them pay off.
Investing time, creative energy, and emotion in yourself, then reaping the rich harvest of authentic success sown by Love.
Coming in after being caught in a soaking thunderstorm, getting out of wet clothes and becoming warm and dry.
Meeting a deadline.
Making it to the game just in time to see her hit her first home run.
Friendship that endures and thrives despite the obstacles of time and distance.
Being able to trust another human being.
The experience of a pleasant deja vu. The moment you realize it doesn't have to be deja vu all over again unless you want it to.
Wisdom gleaned through life experiences (both yours and others). Knowing how to use it.
Speaking another language.
Reading a book that changes your life.
Receiving flowers.
Moving on.
Letting go gracefully without regrets.
The first morsel of your favorite comfort food.
Savoring the scents of life (flowers, food, your lover, the earth your child's hair.)
The fresh feeling that immediately comes after a shower and washing your hair.
Being able to travel; the adventure of new places.
Room service.
The support and loving presence of sisters and/or brothers. Achieving a long sought after goal. The moment when your accomplishment emotionally registers.
Feeling a sense of pride in yourself.
Wishing upon a star. Having your wish come true.
Finding your perfect scent.
Making eye contact and smiling with a gorgeous stranger.
A dance partner who makes you feel like Ginger Rogers (or Fred Astaire).
That person who takes your breath away when you are near or feel him or her next to you.
The first kiss.
Being with a person with whom you can communicate with out words.
The moment you realize you'd marry your spouse all over again.
Sharing the holidays with people you really want to be with.
Easily switching carpool days.
Finding, having and wearing something that makes you feel special.
Saying "no" to the bake sale without guilt.
A miracle.
Bargains at thrift shops, flea markets, garage sales.
The sense of relief throwing stuff out brings.
Your mentor.
The individual who inspired your career and made you believe that there is nothing as real as a dream.
The person who believed in you when you weren't able to believe in yourself.
A fortune cookie with just the right message.
The precious lingering memory of your mother's sweet scent. The comforting memory of your father's hand.
Being able to provide for the needs and wants of your loved ones.
The moment you are able to distinguish between your needs and your wants.
Watching others enjoy your creations, whether its a meal, flowers from your garden, or a pair of pants you just ironed.
Being able to make clear, conscious, creative choices.
Air-conditioning on an excruciatingly hot and humid day.
Being upgraded to first class.
The contentment of sitting before a roaring fire on a winter's evening.
Receiving a love letter. Writing one.
All of the tragedy you and yours have escaped.
Becoming fascinated in a subject and learning more about it.
Hearing the words, "I love you".
The awareness of innocence.
The long awaited phone call with good news.
When the repair bill is less than you'd expected.
A sense of humor during good AND rough patches.
Not losing your temper.
Giving and receiving forgiveness after a painful estrangement.
Perfect timing.
Fitting into last year's clothes.
Knowing a favorite book awaits you at the end of the day.
Sleeping on the perfect pillow. The contentment of being wrapped in a favorite blanket, quilt, or goose-down comforter.
Sharing your aspirations for the future with a close friend.
Reawakening an old passion; discovering a new one.
The haven of a comforting shoulder to cry on; the warming embrace of a loved one.
Pampering yourself.
Listening to the whispers of your authentic self and taking her or his advice.
The generosity and hospitality of good neighbors.
Family and friends who remember funny or uplifting stories about your past that you've forgotten and share them with you.
Finding a lost pet.
Rediscovering old family photos.
Playing hooky.
The intimate bond of friendship that protects, nurtures, inspires, and comforts.
The man or woman in your life who is neither a past nor present love but simply a precious friend who adores you.
Waking up to a perfectly beautiful day for a planned outdoor event.
Working with people you enjoy being around.
Working with people who are pleasant, kind, funny, considerate, and who honor your contribution.
An opportunity to interview for the dream job. Getting it.
Receiving the perfect gift. Finding one for someone else.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and delighting in what you see.
Having your child appreciate your sense of humor.
An unexpected compliment that makes your day.
Enjoying the company of smart, witty, savvy people, delighting in stimulating conversation and holding your own.
Completing the crossword puzzle without help.
Looking fabulous at your class reunion. Being alive to go to your class reunion. Having the nerve to go to your class reunion.
Listening to the oldies and recalling happy moments.
A rare, relaxing break with your co-worker during a hectic day.
Paying off your credit card balance.
Coming up with the perfect retort at the moment you need it and not two hours later.
The sound of raindrops on your roof at night.
Friends and family who can both truly rejoice with you and console in times of sorrow.
This is the complete list that Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote in her book.
Faith. Faith in a spirit possessing greater strength, wisdom, power and love than you do. Faith in the ultimate goodness of Life. Faith in yourself. Faith that as you seek, you will find.
The dream that will not die because you were born to love it into full being.
Answered prayers.
The kindness of strangers.
The warmth and security of home. Crossing the threshold and closing the door after a hard day.
Expressions of unconditional love and support.
Your health. The health of those you love.
That moment of relief when you realize that the pain has subsided.
A job that provides steady income while you pursue your dreams.
Feeling the presence of Spirit in your life.
Sinking into a warm, softly scented bath after a stressful day.
The aroma of something delicious wafting from the kitchen.
Not having to cook tonight.
Your boundless imagination.
When hope is restored.
Following your intuition and being delighted that you did.
Daydreams. Reveries. Textured, technicolor nightscapes of happiness and good fortune that have you awakening with a smile.
Twelve hours uninterrupted sleep.
Breakfast in bed.
Serenity as you pay bills.
Acceptance after struggle.
Seeing him or her and having your heart skip a beat.
Seeing him or her and finally feeling nothing.
Completely and utterly surrendering to what is and then waiting expectantly for the good that is to come.
An afternoon to do as you please.
Doing a great job and having it and your efforts appreciated.
Holding your child in your arms.
Delighting in other people's children.
Witnessing the birth of new life.
The times when your ideas "clicked" with others.
The fragrance of a vacation day.
The beach. The feel of the sand beneath your feet, the salty breeze, the warming rays of the sun.
A walk in the woods and becoming aware of life all around you.
Trying something new and loving it.
The desire for knowledge.
Two hours in a wonderful bookstore.
Waking up early enough to watch the sun rise with a cup of tea or coffee.
Watching the sunset.
Meeting a kindred spirit.
Meeting your soul mate(s) and recognizing that you have known each other before.
The moment when the veil is lifted from both your eyes and you know that you know....
Hearing a piece of music that instantly touches your soul.
Being able to add that music to your collection immediately.
Reading a passage in a book or a poem that expresses exactly how you feel.
Memorizing a beautiful piece of poetry and sharing it with another in conversation.
Holding hands.
Having a congenial conversation with a stranger on a plane, train, or bus.
Successfully hailing a cab in rush hour.
A nap.
Realizing that there are no coincidences.
Nailing the punch line in a favorite joke.
Hearing their laughter.
Relishing a wonderful movie. Liking it so much you want to see it again as the credits roll. Seeing it again.
Laughing so hard, you can't catch your breath and your sides ache.
The sacred release of a good cry.
Bringing joy, happiness, and comfort to another person or creature.
The loyal, loving companionship of pets.
Feeling you're part of a loving and supportive community or church.
Finding a parking space exactly when you need one.
Summoning up the courage to surmount a challenge.
Taking tiny and big risks and having them pay off.
Investing time, creative energy, and emotion in yourself, then reaping the rich harvest of authentic success sown by Love.
Coming in after being caught in a soaking thunderstorm, getting out of wet clothes and becoming warm and dry.
Meeting a deadline.
Making it to the game just in time to see her hit her first home run.
Friendship that endures and thrives despite the obstacles of time and distance.
Being able to trust another human being.
The experience of a pleasant deja vu. The moment you realize it doesn't have to be deja vu all over again unless you want it to.
Wisdom gleaned through life experiences (both yours and others). Knowing how to use it.
Speaking another language.
Reading a book that changes your life.
Receiving flowers.
Moving on.
Letting go gracefully without regrets.
The first morsel of your favorite comfort food.
Savoring the scents of life (flowers, food, your lover, the earth your child's hair.)
The fresh feeling that immediately comes after a shower and washing your hair.
Being able to travel; the adventure of new places.
Room service.
The support and loving presence of sisters and/or brothers. Achieving a long sought after goal. The moment when your accomplishment emotionally registers.
Feeling a sense of pride in yourself.
Wishing upon a star. Having your wish come true.
Finding your perfect scent.
Making eye contact and smiling with a gorgeous stranger.
A dance partner who makes you feel like Ginger Rogers (or Fred Astaire).
That person who takes your breath away when you are near or feel him or her next to you.
The first kiss.
Being with a person with whom you can communicate with out words.
The moment you realize you'd marry your spouse all over again.
Sharing the holidays with people you really want to be with.
Easily switching carpool days.
Finding, having and wearing something that makes you feel special.
Saying "no" to the bake sale without guilt.
A miracle.
Bargains at thrift shops, flea markets, garage sales.
The sense of relief throwing stuff out brings.
Your mentor.
The individual who inspired your career and made you believe that there is nothing as real as a dream.
The person who believed in you when you weren't able to believe in yourself.
A fortune cookie with just the right message.
The precious lingering memory of your mother's sweet scent. The comforting memory of your father's hand.
Being able to provide for the needs and wants of your loved ones.
The moment you are able to distinguish between your needs and your wants.
Watching others enjoy your creations, whether its a meal, flowers from your garden, or a pair of pants you just ironed.
Being able to make clear, conscious, creative choices.
Air-conditioning on an excruciatingly hot and humid day.
Being upgraded to first class.
The contentment of sitting before a roaring fire on a winter's evening.
Receiving a love letter. Writing one.
All of the tragedy you and yours have escaped.
Becoming fascinated in a subject and learning more about it.
Hearing the words, "I love you".
The awareness of innocence.
The long awaited phone call with good news.
When the repair bill is less than you'd expected.
A sense of humor during good AND rough patches.
Not losing your temper.
Giving and receiving forgiveness after a painful estrangement.
Perfect timing.
Fitting into last year's clothes.
Knowing a favorite book awaits you at the end of the day.
Sleeping on the perfect pillow. The contentment of being wrapped in a favorite blanket, quilt, or goose-down comforter.
Sharing your aspirations for the future with a close friend.
Reawakening an old passion; discovering a new one.
The haven of a comforting shoulder to cry on; the warming embrace of a loved one.
Pampering yourself.
Listening to the whispers of your authentic self and taking her or his advice.
The generosity and hospitality of good neighbors.
Family and friends who remember funny or uplifting stories about your past that you've forgotten and share them with you.
Finding a lost pet.
Rediscovering old family photos.
Playing hooky.
The intimate bond of friendship that protects, nurtures, inspires, and comforts.
The man or woman in your life who is neither a past nor present love but simply a precious friend who adores you.
Waking up to a perfectly beautiful day for a planned outdoor event.
Working with people you enjoy being around.
Working with people who are pleasant, kind, funny, considerate, and who honor your contribution.
An opportunity to interview for the dream job. Getting it.
Receiving the perfect gift. Finding one for someone else.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and delighting in what you see.
Having your child appreciate your sense of humor.
An unexpected compliment that makes your day.
Enjoying the company of smart, witty, savvy people, delighting in stimulating conversation and holding your own.
Completing the crossword puzzle without help.
Looking fabulous at your class reunion. Being alive to go to your class reunion. Having the nerve to go to your class reunion.
Listening to the oldies and recalling happy moments.
A rare, relaxing break with your co-worker during a hectic day.
Paying off your credit card balance.
Coming up with the perfect retort at the moment you need it and not two hours later.
The sound of raindrops on your roof at night.
Friends and family who can both truly rejoice with you and console in times of sorrow.
This is the complete list that Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote in her book.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Benefits of Meditation!
In simple terms…… meditation refers to different techniques that help you manage your thoughts, emotions, thinking patterns and your reactions to stressful situations. Making meditation a daily part of your health and fitness program has been proven to expand your wellness and improve your overall health. Below are some of the benefits that are associated with Mediation.
Physical benefits of Meditation:
• Meditation decreases the metabolic rate and it can lower the heart rate……this is the same as when you are in a state of deep rest and relaxation. In this state your cells rejuvenate and regenerate just as they would while you are sleeping throughout the night, the only difference is you are receiving this benefit in a shorter time frame.
• It also reduces stress and how it does that is when you focus on the breathe….. Your breathing will become slower…and when we are stressed we release a chemical known as cortisol which is an acid and it is released into your blood stream. Now when we breathe at a slower rate that acid will reduce in our bloodstream and we become better oxygenated and when this occurs it causes our stress to lower and this in turn will it will lower your blood pressure.
• Now if you are asthmatic, I want you to know that Meditation has also been known to lower oxygen consumption making breathing easier for the person with asthma or other lung conditions.
• It can enhance your energy, strength, athletic ability. It just makes physical activity easier so if your someone that struggles with cardio vascular activity like myself than this can be very beneficial for you.
• It harmonizes your endocrine system thereby normalizing your weight, or helping you with weight loss. And for those of you that struggle with this issue meditation is a simple step to add to your weight loss program.
• And one more physical beneficial factor that I thought was very interesting and that is that meditation is said to slow down the aging process. Now I don’t know about you but if someone told me I could slow down the aging process I would be the first in line to jump on that band wagon.
Psychological Benefits:
• Meditation increases the coherence of brain wave patterns which suggests that it can improve creativity and learning and can actually changes the way the brain works. Now if you introduce meditation to your children you will start to notice their school work improving and clarity in their decision making and improves memory.
• Helps to reduce your dependency on drugs, pharmaceuticals, smoking and alcohol consumption
• It also helps to decrease anxiety, depression, irritability and moodiness
• Increases the feeling of happiness and contentment
• Increases emotional stability and a more balanced personalitly.
• This would be a great activity to incorporate into your family and have a family meditation night. We could all benefit from quality time spent together.
Spiritual Benefits:
• Meditation allows you to achieve a deeper level of spiritual relaxation and a deeper relationship with your divine source.
• Deeper understanding of yourself and others, and a deeper capacity for love.
• Changes your attitude and outlook on life, Can help you find your purpose in life.
• Helps you to live in the present moment while not thinking of the past or future. Discovering the power and consciousness beyond the ego.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
On The Road to a Healthier Existence!
On March 10th I revisited my physician waiting patiently for my blood work results. I have been running since June 10th of 2010 and have run a total of 375.91 miles. I have changed my dietary habits to a non-inflammatory diet, I have stopped eating all gluten foods, and I only eat white fish or salmon. I have removed all meat from my diet and follow the anti-inflammatory diet to a tee. I drink water or green tea. I do not have any cravings for foods like I used too.
As I am waiting patiently for the physician to enter the room, I am confident that all my efforts have paid off and I am at the healthiest place I have been in all my 45 years. As the doctor entered the room I can see a big happy grin on his face. He says to me, "What have you been doing"? So I explained how I have been running 3-4 times a week and I am now up to 7.5 miles. I have also changed my diet to an anti-inflammatory diet. He was very impressed about my blood work results.
My Total Cholesterol dropped from 225 to a new low of 124, my triglycerides which were originally 280 but in Dec 2010 they were 147 but now they are a new low of 101, my HDL Cholesterol which is the good cholesterol is 45, and climbing and my LDL which is that nasty bad cholesterol was 148 and is now at a new low of 59! Now, all my other blood work like Glucose, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, BUN and all others are all in the normal ranges.
Finally all my hard work is paying off!!!!! I am a living testament to how simple and easy it is to change your physical health when you decide that you are worthy of living a healthy life. We are the only ones that have the ability to heal ourselves!!! The choices we make effect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Why not give yourself the gift of life by making one change in your lifestyle at a time. Start by including exercise in your daily routine like I did and the rest will come in due time!
If you go back and read my very first post on June 10, 2010, you will know how I always told myself that I can't run. I had knee surgery when I was 15 years old and I have never been able to run. I would get so out of breathe I thought I would pass out. Well, that was my ego telling me I can't trying to keep me trapped in an unhealthy body because it was familiar to me. I no longer listen to that ego that tells me I can't do anything or that I am not worthy of good health. I listen to my higher guidance that will never tell me I can't but that I CAN! You can too!!!! Just believe in yourself! You are worthy! You deserve to live a long healthy life, we all do!
As I am waiting patiently for the physician to enter the room, I am confident that all my efforts have paid off and I am at the healthiest place I have been in all my 45 years. As the doctor entered the room I can see a big happy grin on his face. He says to me, "What have you been doing"? So I explained how I have been running 3-4 times a week and I am now up to 7.5 miles. I have also changed my diet to an anti-inflammatory diet. He was very impressed about my blood work results.
My Total Cholesterol dropped from 225 to a new low of 124, my triglycerides which were originally 280 but in Dec 2010 they were 147 but now they are a new low of 101, my HDL Cholesterol which is the good cholesterol is 45, and climbing and my LDL which is that nasty bad cholesterol was 148 and is now at a new low of 59! Now, all my other blood work like Glucose, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, BUN and all others are all in the normal ranges.
Finally all my hard work is paying off!!!!! I am a living testament to how simple and easy it is to change your physical health when you decide that you are worthy of living a healthy life. We are the only ones that have the ability to heal ourselves!!! The choices we make effect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Why not give yourself the gift of life by making one change in your lifestyle at a time. Start by including exercise in your daily routine like I did and the rest will come in due time!
If you go back and read my very first post on June 10, 2010, you will know how I always told myself that I can't run. I had knee surgery when I was 15 years old and I have never been able to run. I would get so out of breathe I thought I would pass out. Well, that was my ego telling me I can't trying to keep me trapped in an unhealthy body because it was familiar to me. I no longer listen to that ego that tells me I can't do anything or that I am not worthy of good health. I listen to my higher guidance that will never tell me I can't but that I CAN! You can too!!!! Just believe in yourself! You are worthy! You deserve to live a long healthy life, we all do!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Words Are Very Powerful!
The words we choose to use in our life are very, very powerful, yet people tend to not think about the words they use in everyday life. If we choose our words coming from a place of divine love then we will be working from a place more powerful than our ego. The words will be coming from our divine source!
As spiritual beings in a physical body we have free will and that means free choice. This in turn means that we have the ability and right to choose our actions and our words. The powers behind the words we choose elicit certain emotions. Our emotions are based on our meanings of the words that we hear.
If you remember to start your conversations with the feeling of love and choose your words to reflect the emotion of love than the person that is the receiver will feel the love. Ego will not be present. A key to remember is that when there is love there is no room for fear, anger, resentment or judgment, therefore there is only love.
Healing begins with the word. Make sure your words to others and to yourself are coming from divine love rather than from ego.
As spiritual beings in a physical body we have free will and that means free choice. This in turn means that we have the ability and right to choose our actions and our words. The powers behind the words we choose elicit certain emotions. Our emotions are based on our meanings of the words that we hear.
If you remember to start your conversations with the feeling of love and choose your words to reflect the emotion of love than the person that is the receiver will feel the love. Ego will not be present. A key to remember is that when there is love there is no room for fear, anger, resentment or judgment, therefore there is only love.
Healing begins with the word. Make sure your words to others and to yourself are coming from divine love rather than from ego.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Listening to Your Body!
Our bodies give us many cues on what is going on in our world emotionally. Whenever you get an ache, pain, illness, or even something like diabetes or cancer there are underlying emotional issues and fears that are contributing to these bodily dysfunctions.
We can heal many of our illnesses by dealing with the emotional needs and unresolved issues that we have, simply by listening to our bodies and addressing our needs. So many people that live in this society are too quick to run to get a pill to fix the problem they are having without listening to their body and addressing their emotional issues. Once these fears and emotions are dealt with the illness will disappear.
I encourage you to listen to your body and your feelings. If anyone is having a hard time with this I can certainly help you. There are many people out there that can. You can contact me through my website at
We can heal many of our illnesses by dealing with the emotional needs and unresolved issues that we have, simply by listening to our bodies and addressing our needs. So many people that live in this society are too quick to run to get a pill to fix the problem they are having without listening to their body and addressing their emotional issues. Once these fears and emotions are dealt with the illness will disappear.
I encourage you to listen to your body and your feelings. If anyone is having a hard time with this I can certainly help you. There are many people out there that can. You can contact me through my website at
Thursday, January 20, 2011
We are all one!
Have you ever heard of the term "We are all One"? What runs through your mind when you hear this?
We are all connected spiritually. It doesn't matter what religion you are, it doesn't matter what race you are, and it doesn't matter where you live. You are a spirit first living the human experience in whatever body you are in. Our souls are all connected and we are one.
Have you ever thought of someone and then the phone rings and they are on the other line? Have you ever been able to finish someone's sentence? Have you ever meet your sister for coffee at the coffee shop and look at each other and giggle because the two of you are wearing the identical color clothing. This is not a coincidence. This is more than that. We are truly connected on a soul level.
Our spirits are in tune with the world. We need to learn to let go, have faith, and trust that this is so. Yes, this is easier said than done for some people. To just take a leap in faith and believe that your higher consciousness is guiding you in the right direction can be very scary for some people. Remember that fear will derail you. Open your heart and see through it and with it and remember we are one!
We are all connected spiritually. It doesn't matter what religion you are, it doesn't matter what race you are, and it doesn't matter where you live. You are a spirit first living the human experience in whatever body you are in. Our souls are all connected and we are one.
Have you ever thought of someone and then the phone rings and they are on the other line? Have you ever been able to finish someone's sentence? Have you ever meet your sister for coffee at the coffee shop and look at each other and giggle because the two of you are wearing the identical color clothing. This is not a coincidence. This is more than that. We are truly connected on a soul level.
Our spirits are in tune with the world. We need to learn to let go, have faith, and trust that this is so. Yes, this is easier said than done for some people. To just take a leap in faith and believe that your higher consciousness is guiding you in the right direction can be very scary for some people. Remember that fear will derail you. Open your heart and see through it and with it and remember we are one!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
From the Inside Out!
This morning was like every other morning. I really didn't want to get on the treadmill and run. I was trying to find every excuse there could possibye be in order to put it off for another day. Instead of giving into my ego voice, I persisted and finally reached my destination of the treadmill. My ego voice kept telling me to walk today don't run you don't need it, but my higher-self new that in order to continue to maintain optimal health I needed to run! I started off at a walk then increased to a run. This run was a little different. I didn't push myself to reach the 3 miles in 30 minutes, instead I decided to run a little slower and go a little farther.
My whole time spent on the treadmill was more than just a run for my physical health. Instead it was more of a run healing myself from the inside out! I learned that ego will try everything in its power to control us and berate us. I am so proud of myself for not listening to ego and instead listening to my higher self, God! The message finally clicked! We heal ourselves from the inside out!
I learned that with everything in life you need to forgo the ego voice, (turn a deaf ear to ego) and open your heart wide and focus on what's on the inside. Our spirit! We are amazing beings! We can accomplish ANYTHING, I mean anything, and as long as we open our hearts, have faith, and act upon what is inside. Ignore the ego and its fear, ego will only sabotage anything you want to do. The ego tries to control us by making us afraid of the unknown.
How do you know it is the ego voice and not your higher-self speaking? This is real easy and simple to figure out. The ego will talk negative and down to you while the higher self will only praise you and make you feel loved and worthy.
Don't let ego get in the way when you are accomplishing anything!! Don't let negative nay Sayers get you down either. Dig down deep inside and find your inner strength to push past that ego and come out a winner and feeling great!!!!
My whole time spent on the treadmill was more than just a run for my physical health. Instead it was more of a run healing myself from the inside out! I learned that ego will try everything in its power to control us and berate us. I am so proud of myself for not listening to ego and instead listening to my higher self, God! The message finally clicked! We heal ourselves from the inside out!
I learned that with everything in life you need to forgo the ego voice, (turn a deaf ear to ego) and open your heart wide and focus on what's on the inside. Our spirit! We are amazing beings! We can accomplish ANYTHING, I mean anything, and as long as we open our hearts, have faith, and act upon what is inside. Ignore the ego and its fear, ego will only sabotage anything you want to do. The ego tries to control us by making us afraid of the unknown.
How do you know it is the ego voice and not your higher-self speaking? This is real easy and simple to figure out. The ego will talk negative and down to you while the higher self will only praise you and make you feel loved and worthy.
Don't let ego get in the way when you are accomplishing anything!! Don't let negative nay Sayers get you down either. Dig down deep inside and find your inner strength to push past that ego and come out a winner and feeling great!!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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