Sunday, February 20, 2011

Words Are Very Powerful!

The words we choose to use in our life are very, very powerful, yet people tend to not think about the words they use in everyday life. If we choose our words coming from a place of divine love then we will be working from a place more powerful than our ego. The words will be coming from our divine source!

As spiritual beings in a physical body we have free will and that means free choice. This in turn means that we have the ability and right to choose our actions and our words. The powers behind the words we choose elicit certain emotions. Our emotions are based on our meanings of the words that we hear.

If you remember to start your conversations with the feeling of love and choose your words to reflect the emotion of love than the person that is the receiver will feel the love. Ego will not be present. A key to remember is that when there is love there is no room for fear, anger, resentment or judgment, therefore there is only love.

Healing begins with the word. Make sure your words to others and to yourself are coming from divine love rather than from ego.

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