Soul Centered Running is learning to turn off all the external stimuli and internal chatter while you are running. This is hard to do for some, especially if you are a very visual person. If your running on the treadmill you can simply hold on to the handles and close your eyes, but if you’re running outside in nature you can't close your eyes, instead focus on the sounds of nature. Then in turn pay attention to your breathing. Take deep breathes and feel the air travel down into your lungs. Start to notice your muscles. How do they feel? Can you feel them working?
When you start paying attention to the internal workings of your physical body, your mind chatter goes away. You are then, at that time, in the moment, in the present. It is when you are in the present moment that you are one with your spirit. It is then that you are soul center running.
You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you are soul centered! Leave the past and the future out of the moment and enjoy your run/walk!