Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Wellness Coaching Program

Wellness Coaching ~.Are you ready to take control of your health and wellness? Would you like to change your life for the better? Wellness coaching can empower you to recognize and draw on your own abilities and resources to make lasting changes for better health.

Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Wellness Coaching program is a phone-based counseling program that helps people understand the impact of lifestyle choices on their health and the benefits of change.

Wellness coaching helps people improve lifestyle habits. There are health-damaging behaviors such as lack of physical activity and poor eating habits that are responsible for the onset of chronic illness and early death of millions of people. Although chronic diseases are among the most common and costly of all health problems, they are also among the most preventable.

Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Wellness Coaching is a proactive approach for those who are ready to make the necessary changes to improve their health and manage if not eliminate illness and disease within. These phone-based counseling programs help you understand how to improve lifestyle habits and the benefits you will see making healthy behavior and lifestyle changes.

Elizabeth Sampson works one-on-one with program participants. Each program is tailor made exclusively to meet your physical and emotional needs. This program will empower you to make long-term healthy changes by building self-efficacy and skills that you will be able to use long past the end of the program.

This Wellness Coaching program covers five lifestyle focus areas:
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Stress
  • Weight
  • Mind, Body, Spirit connection
Goals of the lifestyle management programs include:
  • Manage costs by promoting prevention and early intervention
  • Build skills to change behavior and sustain it
  • Improve participant’s quality of life
  • Provide education and support to make lifestyle changes that reduce health risks

Coaching Sessions are for a 6 month period and will be conducted over the phone or Skype twice a month with unlimited email support during the 6 month period.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Healing From Within

If you have listened to my radio show, Holistic Healing for Optimal Living, for the past 24 weeks on Contact Talk Radio you will know that I am all about teaching people simple tools and techniques that will help them heal from illness and disease. All this information has been free information that will help empower you to take control of your health and healing and place you on the direct path for divine healing.

Holistic Healing for Optimal Living Radio show has 2 more weeks left to broadcast on Contact Talk Radio and then my contract is up and in need of renewal. I am asking the public to sponsor the show if you would like to keep this show on the CTR Network.

I love hosting this International Talk Radio Show but I do not have the financial means at this time to continue to fund the broadcast. If sponsorship does not take place at this time I will take the divine guidance and move forward on my path to the next chapter.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the listener's and supporters of the radio show. If you are interested in sponsoring please contact Cameron Steele at Contact Radio 1-877-230-3062.


Wishing you Optimal Heath and Healing,

Elizabeth Sampson, RN, RMT
Holistic Wellness Consultant
"Optimize Your Health and Healing...From the Inside-Out".