Well I made it one month! Yahooo! Congratulations to me :)
It hasn't been one month of no whining or crying, but, it has been one month of sweating and tears! I have complained at almost every run. But, I have still tied my Nike+ sneakers and headed out on the road, or down to the treadmill. Today was my one month anniversary and today was the first day I was able to hit the road for a run and run the entire way without walking! It felt great to be able to accomplish this task! At 44+ years, I was able to start exercising, even with a bad knee and extra weight. I was able to turn my life long dislike for exercise into a life saving mission. What an accomplishment!
I hope I am able to inspire someone that feels the same way I do about exercise. I hope this blog will help you realize that exercise isn't easy and it sure isn't fun for a lot of us out there, but, it is a necessity. In order to maintain optimum health, diet, and exercise, one is in a constant struggle. If it was easy, then everyone would be at the perfect weight and optimum health. There would be no obese people and no one with cholesterol issues.
Since I purchased my Nike+ sneakers, one June 22, I have completed 16 workouts, for a total of 28.17 miles. It has taken me 6:00:43 seconds to complete this task. I have averaged a 12min 48 sec mile and burned a total of 3199 calories. 5 days of that time I was away at a horse show and did not have the time to even squeeze in a run, even though I brought all my gear with me. All the above was completed in a 21 day time period! That totally amazes me! I actually squeezed 16 workouts into 21 days and burned three days or more worth of calories doing it!
I will keep plugging away trying to turn those dense LDL particles into the fluffy non threatening LDL. All in hopes of saving my life and preventing me from falling into the statistics of people with the potential risk of having a stroke and heart attack. It isn't about my weight or looks anymore; it goes much deeper than that. It is about living a long and healthy life. The only one that can do this for me is me :) I have the choice to make my life exactly what I want my life to be. I also have the choice to live that life the way I want to and for me it is all about being healthy and living a long healthy life! I want to be there for my family and enjoy every precious moment that I can.