Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks!

Have you ever stop to think how many times you fold your hands in prayer and ask for help?

Many of us pray for material possessions, we pray for better health, for guidance, and for many other things. Why not just for today, stop, fold your hands and give thanks! Give thanks for your life, for being able to breathe, for family, just give thanks. Try not to ask for things just be thankful for what you have, where you have been, and for what your future holds in store for you.

Make it a point to wake everyday, and go to bed every night with a simple prayer of thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When a door closes?

When one door closes another one opens!

Have you heard of this saying? Do you know what it means? In our world today this saying is happening quite frequently. People are loosing their jobs, houses, and other things they have worked so hard for all their lives. When this happens it is so hard to see a positive outcome for your future. If you believe in this saying then you will be one of the lucky ones that will make it through the hard and difficult times.

We are given the free will to choose our own destiny. If you have been in a job for 20 years or so and you find that your job is being abolished the door is closing on that chapter of your life. Naturally you are faced with the fear of what am I going to do, where is my next paycheck coming from, how will I pay my bills, will I loose my house, and how will you and your family survive. Well I am here to tell you, the door has closed, and it is your responsibility to find the next door to open!

Sitting around worrying about all your fears will only keep you in a state of turmoil and in the past. You will need to start thinking about the present and work towards seeing the future. Think positively!!! You may need to take a lower paying job in order to keep functioning. This is the time to think of what is it that you would like to do? You may now have the opportunity to start your own business. You may be able to go back to school to retrain. You may want to change your profession. The key to this is that you must do! There is no option to sit back and wait for something to fall into your lap. If this happens, that would be wonderful, just remember you are the one that has to choice to control your destiny. The door will not open on its own.

This saying holds true for other aspects of your life as well. Just remember to stay positive and be diligent on working towards the next chapter in your life. Seek help if needed, and continue to do!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Law of Attraction

How many people really know about the Law of Attraction?

Positive thoughts yield positive results and negative thoughts yield negative results! It is as simple as that :) When you send vibes into the universe the universe will respond accordingly. Be careful how you word things and for what you wish for. Be direct in your approach and clear in your wording. Think only for the best. Here is an example: "I hope I don't get a flat tire". What are you really asking for in this sentence? You are asking for a flat tire. What you really need to do is turn that wording around. "My tires are great; they have taken me many places they will continue to today". Here you are saying my tires are great!

Something that is simple enough to correct. Start today by paying attention to your words and your thoughts. If what you are saying and doing is not positive correct it right away. Stop, think, and reword what you are asking the universe for. You will be surprised how the universe will respond to you. :)